Middle School

Upcoming Activities
Tuesday 4 June
Music Winter Concert, 7pm
Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CSFJT
Wednesday 5 June
DSC Push-Up Challenge begins, lunchtime at the soccer pitch
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Monday 10 June
Monarch's Birthday Public Holiday (no school)
Tuesday 11 June
'Comfy Clothes' Free Dress Day - gold coin donation
Teacher Talent Show, lunchtime at the PPC
Wednesday 12 June
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Thursday 13 June
Regional Cross Country
Friday 14 June
Year 9 Maths Games Day
Wednesday 19 June
Year 7 - Year 9 SEAL: Oxford University Computing Challenge
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Wednesday 26 June
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Friday 28 June
Year 9 SEAL Maths Games Day
Year 9 Assembly, 9am
End of Semester Reports sent to families
End of Term 2, 2:30pm dismissal
Year 9 Assembly
Our final assembly for Term 2 is on June 28th at 11:25 am. Parents/carers are welcome to attend.
Important information was discussed at the last assembly in May which you can catch up on in the Powerpoint presentation attached.