Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Tuesday 4 June
Music Winter Concert, 7pm
Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CSFJT
Wednesday 5 June
DSC Push-Up Challenge begins, lunchtime at the soccer pitch
Friday 7 June
Junior Girls AFL
Monday 10 June
Monarch's Birthday Public Holiday (no school)
Tuesday 11 June
'Comfy Clothes' Free Dress Day - gold coin donation
Teacher Talent Show, lunchtime at the PPC
Thursday 13 June
Regional Cross Country
Wednesday 19 June
Year 7 - Year 9 SEAL: Oxford University Computing Challenge
Thursday 27 June
Year 7 - Year 8 SEAL Maths Games Day
Friday 28 June
End of Semester Reports sent to families
End of Term 2, 2:30pm dismissal
Entry and Exit Routines in Year 7
Please refer to Mr Hanna's Compass Newsfeed regarding the revised Entry & Exit Routines for our Year 7 students. These are now in place!
All Year 7 students need to factor in 5 minutes prior to the start of class to collect their materials from their lockers and line up outside their classrooms with materials in hand (unless they are in the same classroom across periods 1 & 2 or periods 3 & 4 in which they can leave their materials on their desk while they line up).
Upon exit, please ensure Mr Hanna's procedures, as outlined in his Compass Newsfeed) are followed.
There are posters in W-Block to remind our students.
Student Wellbeing Committee
Are you interested in influencing and developing Student Wellbeing programs here at DSC? Then, please sign up/ give your expression of interest here!
Interact Club
If you are interested in participating in Rotary's Interact Club projects and programs that service our community, please get in touch with myself, Ms Mills (Year 7 Coordinator) or Ms Lattanzio (Year 10 Positive Climate Leader) via TEAMS.
Please do consider putting yourself forward for one of the opportunities above. Leadership is a skill that is critical across all year levels and we really want to have more students participating in Student Voice and influencing our school community!