Community Events Page 

Anne Treasure

Shout out! 

Thank you so much to everyone who helped support the Plant and Produce Market on Friday - what a fabulous spread of delicious treats, attractive plants, tasty produce and pickles, savoury and sweet Indonesian delights and yummy desserts. Special thanks to Nat, Gerard, Sam, Di, Naomi, Bec, Linda, Imogen, Linda, Anne and Jane for helping to set up and serve on the day. 



Get voting! 

Votes are now OPEN for our Annual Trivia Night! 


The SHORTLIST for the Annual Trivia Event Theme is:  

  • Old Hollywood
  • Monsters and Gods
  • Icons of Music and Film


You can vote online here: Vote For Theme Here


Or you can vote IN PERSON At the office, please request a token (Pirate Doubloons!!) from the amazing and friendly office staff, and drop your ‘coin’ into the can to cast your vote! 


There are also posters around school with a QR CODE for scanning to cast an online vote!! 


Please only vote once, voting closes on Friday 21 December (so we can announce by the end of term 2). Looking forward to hearing your responses- and let’s have some FUN!! 



CET dates ahead:

Friday 21 June Winter Solstice: A low-key, friendly, community inspired event in conjunction with OSHC. Set the date aside (yes, it’s the 21June - there was an error in a previous newsletter) for a lovely wintery celebration for the end of term. 


Saturday 10 August Trivia Night: Our annual trivia night for the adults of the school community is a fun time of dressing up (if you want to), dancing (if you want to), and testing your trivial knowledge in a team of around 10. Put the date aside, gather your smart friends, get the babysitter organised and plan to come along and have some fun. 



If you want to get in touch about community events, email Anne and Brigid (co-chairs) at 


Please see your Term 2 school calendar for dates or pick up one from the front office!


All volunteers at the school need a valid Working With Children’s Check - click this link to apply if you don’t have one. It’s fairly straightforward and free for volunteers.