Student Assembly Awards

Courage - Harmony  - Integrity



Week 4 Assembly Awards






1KavithyaHarmonygreeting each day and learning opportunity with a smile and positive attitude. 
1SamarIntegritysupporting his peers to complete all learning tasks and always trying his best.
3MirayaCouragefor joining a new school community, making new friends and giving everything her best go! 
3MasonHarmonyfor supporting his classmates and always wanting to help!
4PatrickHarmonyrecognising when he is starting to feel upset and using simple strategies to try and calm down
4RubyCouragebuilding her confidence to ask for help when she does not understand something or needs more clarification
6LiaHarmonybeing a fantastic friend to her classmates and a great helper in the classroom and in the yard.
6AbheekIntegrityfocusing on his learning and putting in his best effort to complete his work to a higher standard.
7LailaHarmonyworking well with others during our group work sessions, you always make sure everyone feels included and welcome to share their ideas.
7KieranIntegrityfocusing hard on your learning, you've been using class time effectively to complete task through teamwork. Keep it up! 
10HimmatCourageasking a lot of consolidating questions during maths, to ensure he is understanding what we are learning
10MiaHarmonyworking with many different members of the class and encouraging them to succeed
11BellaCourageBella has really started to make strong choices in her learning.  She has had some pretty stressful moments in class and handled them all! 
11EvelinaCourageStarting so well in a new school, and in a different type of learning environment, Evelina has adapted quickly and is always up for the challenge.
We pursue our personal best – no matter who we work with. We have reasons for the things we say and do. We have great sense and are sensible. We do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.