Leading Teacher Update
Leading Teacher Update
Grades 1 – 4 Incursion
On May 8th, Officers from Victoria Police, Andy and Loretta, presented the recently relaunched primary school curriculum for grades one to four, reflecting the recognition of increased stranger danger online.
For Grades 1 and 2 the focus was on knowing what to keep as private information, how to deal with pop up conversations, and asking a trusted adult for help when communication doesn’t feel right.
For Grades 3 and 4 the focus was on staying safe online, asking a trusted adult for help and keeping personal information safe.
Teachers were positive about the learning involved in the workshops and continued these powerful and important conversations back in the classrooms. Many of us spent lunch time changing our passwords…
Some reflections about the presentations from our students:
Upcoming Incursion
On June 12th, Grades 5 and 6 will also participate in these workshops, learning about staying safe online, keeping information private (including images), knowing people online vs offline and asking trusted adults for help.
Foundation students will also meet police officers on that day, learning about the role of police officers, using 000 – and having an up-close look at a police car.
FPS have been offered the opportunity for parents to attend an online Zoom meeting to educate about stranger danger. This session will focus on providing parents practical information on online safety.
When the date has been determined, a Compass notification will be sent.