Library News

The Ashton Scholastic Book Fair will be visiting the school from Wednesday, May 22nd until Monday, May 27th. It will be located in Room 56. Each grade will be visiting the Book Fair, during school hours, to browse and select a book to buy. A “Wish List” will be taken home by students after their session. On the back of this are instructions as to how to order any books you may wish to purchase. The Fair will also be open for parents and carers to visit each afternoon from 3:30pm until 4:00pm. This is an excellent opportunity to buy quality books at bargain prices!
The Premier’s Reading Challenge has now opened for this year. It would be great if all students in the school would participate in this. The challenge is for all students in Prep, Year One and Year Two to read at least 30 books, while those in Years Three, Four, Five and Six read 15 books each. We will be logging the information for the Junior classes (Prep to Two); students in Years Three to Six will be tallying their own lists, with the help of their classroom teachers if needed. Students’ user names and passwords will be sent home by classroom teachers in the next few days. The Challenge closes on September 6th.
If you have any questions regarding the above information, please do not hesitate to contact one of us during school hours.
Happy reading!
Ed and Rama