
Important dates to remember


Monday 20th May 

Prep Assembly 9.15am - Hall 


Wednesday 22nd to Monday 27th May

Book Fair


Thursday 23rd May 

PJ Day for staff & students


Friday 24th May

Cohort Assemblies 2.45pm

Year 1 - PA Room

Year 2 - Blue Building

Year 3&4 - Hall

Year 5 - Orange Building


Monday 27th to Friday 31st May

National Reconciliation Week


Tuesday 4th June

School Council 6pm


Monday 10th June

Kings Birthday (Public Holiday)


Friday 7th June

Whole School Assembly 2.45pm


Tuesday 11th June - Wednesday 12th June

Year 4 CYC Camp


Thursday 13th June

3 Way Conferences Interviews starting at 11.30am and finishing at 7.30  


Thursday 27th June

End of Term Assembly 9.15am


Friday 28th June

Curriculum Day (pupil free day)


Monday 15th July 

First day of Term 3


Friday 20th September

Last day of Term 3