Principal's Views

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
This week in Education Week, we acknowledge and celebrate the work of education support staff, and we thank them for their tireless work that is so often unseen but is so critical to the operation of our school.
Education support staff include front office and admin staff, first aid officers, library assistants, digital technicians, maintenance and grounds, classroom assistants, wellbeing team members, attendance officers, tutors, learning support, OSHC staff and Kinder ES.
They are quite simply people without whom schools could not operate. We thank all of our EVPS, OSHC and EVK support staff!
Our amazing student leaders answered the phones and spoke to parents yesterday afternoon so the admin staff could enjoy the afternoon tea. They did an amazing job.
Question: What do planes, boats, towers, bridges, cardboard, foil, paper, spaghetti, marshmallows, trees and icy pole sticks all have in common?
Answer: These materials were all used to help students build their knowledge of science, technology, engineering and maths concepts this week during education week - focus on STEM.
Students also had a lot of fun completing a scavenger hunt around the school.
We loved seeing parents at school this afternoon, joining in with the activities and having fun whilst learning new things and helping their child to challenge their thinking. We look forward to seeing parents and carers in classes again in week 11 for our next open afternoon on the 25th June.
Our Preps came in their pyjamas to school today and had breakfast together … what a community! They used their manners and collaborated to pour cereal and milk, use their cutlery for the pancakes and enjoyed a different start to the day.
Our student leaders have been working hard to enhance our school and the positive learning environment.
The last couple of days have seen student versus staff soccer matches which have been a great hit … ask your children who won … or keep reading further on in this newsletter to find out!!
After the success of the Prep pyjama day, the student leaders have arranged a whole school pyjama day next Thursday 23rd May. Bring a gold coin donation to support our Year 6 graduating students.
Reminder for Prep - 1 Parents/Carers
Our school will be participating in the AEDC from 23rd May
Kind regards,
Rachel Griffiths
On behalf of Mandy
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