Meet our 2024 School Council members
Dear school community,
The School Council had its first meeting with its new members in March this year, and welcomed Dan Besley and Tom Roth as new members. I want to thank again Maud Rocher and Anne-Sophie Aguado for their valuable contributions during their tenure at the School Council.
The School Council plays a key role in establishing the school’s broad direction and vision. It also influences other matters such as strategic planning, policy development, finance and community engagement. It is however not involved in the daily operations of the school. We leave that up to the School staff, the Principal and the support team. As part of our ongoing governance, we monitor the school finances and the school policies. For 2024, the School Council’s priorities are the safety and wellbeing of our community, as well the continuous improvement of our school’s buildings and grounds.
I am very pleased to introduce you the 2024 CJC School Council members:
- Joseph Chang (School Council President) – Joseph has three children, including two at the school, in Grade 6 and Grade 3. Joseph was previously engaged in the masterplan and in Finance as Treasurer, and is now President of the School Council.
- Adina Nijemcevic (School Council Vice President) – Adina has two children, including one at the school in Grade 4. Adina is probably the person who is the most familiar with CJC, as she is herself a CJC alumni and now a close neighbour of the school. Adina is engaged in Team Kids sub-committee, but also in the Parents’ Committee. Adina works in Vocational Education & Training.
- Marc Warshall (Treasurer) – Marc has a son in Grade 2. He is a class convenor, Friday treats coordinator and regular volunteer in the Parent’s committee. Marc has taken on the treasurer role for the 2nd year of his current term. He has a finance and accounting background and is CFO of Creature Technology Company, the worlds premier animatronics manufacturing company which is based in Port Melbourne.
- Issy Arieli – Issy is very fortunate to have 5 children. Two have completed their studies at CJC and are now studying at Glen Eira College. Issy is involved in property investments after previously having a software business.
- Dan Besley - Dan has been part of the CJC community since 2021. Both his daughters – Sophie in grade 3 and Abby in grade 1 - love the school and the activities that are on offer, including the Hebrew Immersion Program and various EFM after school activities. This is Dan's first year on the council and outside of this, works in an operational role at Melbourne Water.
- Asmine Hammadou (EFM President) – Asmine has a child in Grade 3. In Melbourne since 2013, Asmine engaged with the EFM subcommittee four years ago as the secretary and helped the association transition to the online platform through Covid. She took over the role of president in 2021.
- Craig Jacobs – Craig has two sons, Jett, who is in Grade 4, and Cole, who is in Grade 2. Craig is deeply committed to their education and the learning environment. By joining the school council, he aims to contribute to the school. Craig is eager to utilise his work and life experience to assist CJC and our students.
- Amy Pate (Parents’ Committee President) – Amy has been involved in the PC for 6 years, 3 as President. She has two children in the binome program, one in Grade 6 and one in Grade 2. She liaises between the School, HIP, EFM and the PC. In her spare time she is a full time corporate lawyer.
- Charlie Porter – Charlie has two children, in Grade 4 and in Grade 1 at CJC. Charlie is chair of the Buildings & Grounds sub-committee, providing for the maintenance of existing facilities including, while developing and considering various capital works plans and proposals, all with the goal of making the school the best environment for children, staff and the school community. Charlie works in corporate and commercial communications, owning a company that delivers video and animation content.
- Tom Roth - Tom has three children, two CJC alumni now at Auburn High School and one in Prep. Tom is chair of the Safety and Well-being subcommittee providing for a school that is safe physically, mentally and environmentally. Tom was previously treasurer and on the masterplan subcommittee.
- Chris Chant (School Principal) – Chris joined CJC as School Principal in 2017 for a short stay and returned in 2018 as the ongoing Executive Principal and has been instrumental to the recent developments of the school.
- Caroline Pommier (French Director) – Caroline joined CJC in 2015. Caroline works closely with our local communities to improve the school’s connection with families. She leads the French Binational Program and is also the Vice President of the AAFEBS (Australian Association of French English Bilingual Schools).
- Broden Borg (Assistant Principal) – Broden joined CJC in 2021. He works closely with all teaching staff to improve the teaching and learning at CJC.
- Anne Aubrée (Grade 5 teacher) – Anne joined CJC in 2007. Anne, her husband and their 2 boys arrived in Australia in 2004 initially for 4 years…but have decided to stay a little bit longer! Anne is engaged in the French binome subcommittee.
- Cat Wilson (STEM teacher) – Cat joined CJC in 2009. Cat is teaching STEM, and coordinates our working bees and environmental initiatives.