Classroom News

This is what our students have been up to this week.

Wilson's Prom Camp

Last week our year 5 and 6 students set off on Tuesday for a 4 day camp down at Wilsons Prom.  Reading Carolyn's page it certainly sounds like it was a lot of fun!  Thank you to some of our students for writing a report on behalf of our 5/6 students who attended, please read on.


"Bye!" I shouted out of the large window to my mum as the long, noisy bus slowly rolled away from Mount Beauty Primary School. Meanwhile, I started to talk to my friend Arthur. Approximately five long minutes later we stopped at our first destination, Myrtleford, for a quick toilet break and movement break. That's where I started to play a giant game of snakes and ladders with Hugh, Jethro, Andie (she was rolling the die) and someone else who I forgot. After getting back on the bus after a few entertaining movies played we soon arrived at Wilson's Prom (by soon I mean eight hours later). Wilson's Prom is a beautiful place in the bush bu the sea. We did a beautiful night walk, amazing surfing, fantastic beach play, a spectacular party, and a breathtaking hike up Mt Oberon. All in all, camp was outstanding.

By Sebastian C.  

I sat next to Griffin on the way to Wilsons Prom. I was next to the window. The first cool car we saw was a silver Porshe 911. We were car spotting. We at least saw over 20 Toyota GT86s later on and then we saw a dark grey Lamborghini Urus and a lime green Lamborghini Hurricane. The Hurricane was my favourite.

By Mitchell H. 

Wednesday we went surfing and I stood up. It was great! 

By Riley S.

I had packed my bag a week before camp and was so excited. Before I knew it I was already on the bus with my friends to Wilsons Prom. We made a few stops to eat and play. Seven and a half hours later we could see the ocean. We were so excited. We got in our cabins and then Griffin's Dad, Jarrod, took us for a night walk. It was cool and I loved it. The next day we got told what was happening. My group (group 1) was going surfing first and the other group were having free time on the beach. Surfing was a blast and I caught a few waves and fell over. On our last night we had so much fun with the talent show. I loved the camp so much it might have been my best camp ever! 

By Amalie G



Playing chasey was super fun at camp. We played it most days. We ran over trees and bushes. We went to the beach. It was very nice to go to the beach called Squeaky Beach. It squeaks when you walk on it!  On a different beach we went surfing. Now that was fun! Dinners were awesome, I like all of them. The animals were great too. We saw wombats, wallabies, emu and possums. The bus ride was the best out of the whole entire camp. We got to talk and see great, good cars on the way there and back. 

By Xander H.


On Tuesday we went to Wilsons Prom for our camp. First we got on the bus. The trip was fun because we got to watch movies and talk with our friends but it was a long eight hour drive! We all clapped when we got there. Jarrod and Dwayn told us our cabin mates were Eli, Chalie and Xander - we were so happy we set up our rooms and then played bush chasey outside. Some players made cubby houses so they could hide in.

By Ferdi P. 


At Wilson's Prom we walked into a building and across a rocky path was another building. If you were to go straight ahead from the toilet bit you would end up in Hayley and Carolyn's room. Belinda's room was to the right and if you were to go to the right again you would end up in my room with Amalie, Eloise, Andie and Sunni. 

By Elke P.  


Two of my favourite things at camp were surfing and climbing Mt Oberon. First we met our instructors and then we did some swimming. After that we did some training drills and we went surfing! I cut a lot of wakes... even one backwards! Climbing Mt Oberon was cool and very steep but the view was worth it.  

By Griffin P.  

On the 5/6 camp we went to Wilson's Prom. We did lots of activities. It was a long 10 hours of travelling but it was so worth it. Once it was lunch time we stopped at a big park called Gumnut Park. There were two big slides, a couple of tower looking things and a zipline! Once we got to camp we unpacked everything and Carolyn announced who were in the dorms. My room got tidiest dorm in the girl's lodge. On the second day we went for a couple of walks and played chasey. We also did surfing and it was so fun. I caught three waves standing and a lot just on my belly. My eyes hurt from the salt water! We also explored a bit more of the beach. Me and Riley found quick sand and nearly got stuck! On day 3 we did the big walk up Mt. Oberon and there were stairs made of rocks near the top. We stood on a huge boulder. The view was amazing of the beach, the mountains and the small little town at the bottom. 

By Sunni W. 


On the Wilson's Prom camp we went to the beach. When we were walking to the beach we found an island of sand. All over the island were little quick sand pot holes! When we got to the beach me and Xander decided to do a beach race and I won! A couple of minutes later Belinda showed us how to make drip castles so we made a giant pot hole with drip castles around it. I swear me and Xander would have won the building comp! After that we make a cubie with big logs and leaves. 

By Charlie W. 


Reconcilliation Week

As part of PE this week Dave introduce a ball game called Buroinjin. The game is named for the ball (buroinjin) used. This is a game played by our Frist nations People, in particular played by the Kabi Kabi people of south Queensland. The game was played with a ball made of kangaroo skin, which was called a buroinjin. The ball, which was smaller than a soccer ball, was sewn with tendons and stuffed with grass. Teams from different groups played against each other. The game was often played until sunset. Spectators used to mark their applause by calling out ‘Ei, ei’.


The outline of play is as follows

• The buroinjin is thrown into the air in the middle of the playing area to begin the game. 

• The aim is for a player of one team to run as far as possible with the ball and cross over a line at the other end of the field. He or she attempts to do this without being touched by an opponent. School Years 4–6 School Years 7–9 School Years 10–12 Post-school age 

• There are no player positions or offside, and the buroinjin can be thrown in any direction. The buroinjin may be passed from player to player but it cannot be hit with the fist or kicked. • The game is played by running and passing and does not stop if a player drops the buroinjin. Players may not dive on the buroinjin if it is on the ground — they must bend over and pick it up. 

• Immediately a player with the buroinjin is touched, it has to be thrown up and away (at least 2–3 metres in the air) by that player, for team-mates or the opposing players to attempt to pick up. The player who was touched may not catch the buroinjin. 


If a player is able run past the score line one point is scored. The game is then restarted at the halfway mark.