St John's School Advisory Council 

School Advisory Council meeting Report - June

The School Advisory Committee (SAC) continues to meet regularly with the most recent meeting held on 4 June. The forum provides essential connection, commitment and consensus to support St John’s Primary School and all it sstudents.


Key messages and opportunities from our third meeting in 2024 included:

The School Advisory Committee (SAC) received an excellent presentation on the school campus masterplan from Audrey Whisker, lead architect from Whisker Architects. The masterplan focuses on Maintenance, Inclusion, Accessibility and Modernisation, with an emphasis on sustainable design principles and enhancing shared spaces for the community.

Key Points of the Masterplan:

  • Sustainable design features such as passive solar design, thermal mass, insulation, natural ventilation, and material selection.
  • Design Principles in the masterplan will adopt principles of value conscious design, emphasizing the importance of indoor/outdoor learning spaces and maximizing the use of existing shared spaces, to create a sense of hospitality and community engagement.
  • The long-term view will be about setting expectations, as the masterplan takes a future focussed vision, with a 15-year timeframe and will be funding dependent. It is designed to evolve over time to meet the changing needs of the school community.
  • Community Engagement: SAC members were asked to consider opportunities for sharing stories of identity, culture,and meaning within the school community. Discussions centered on the importance of acknowledging the contributions and achievements of the St. John’s community, as well as incorporating elements of faith and symbolism, such as honoring St. John and Mary MacKillop.
  • Brand and Identity: SAC members emphasised the importance of defining the school's brand and identity, highlighting its unique points of difference from other schools. 
  • Next Steps will include Stakeholder Engagement Workshops, with staff and students, wich will commence on Thursday, 6 June, to gather input and feedback on the masterplan.
  • A sub-committee will be formed to further explore these issues and develop strategies for promoting the school's narrative.
  • Recording of Presentation: A recording of the current presentation will be made available to stakeholders for reference and review.

Leadership Presentation: Melinda Buscema delivered a well-received presentation, which transitioned into discussions about waste minimization initiatives, an area in which Mel Kirwin is the subject matter expert.

Gratitude and Appreciation: Our Student School leaders demonstrated excellent leadership by expressing gratitude and appreciation towards teachers and Gen Bryant and her team, during reflections on Courageous Catholics Day. Their heartfelt remarks moved teachers to tears, highlighting the positive impact of acknowledging and valuing the contributions of staff members.

Leadership Responsibilities: Future school leaders are now required to count wrappers in lunch boxes as part of waste reduction efforts. While there were concerns expressed by the SAC about potential student behavior, it was clarified that the focus is on encouraging and congratulating students for wrapper-free lunches rather than penalizing them. Parents who encounter difficulties with this practice are encouraged to inform classroom teachers for sensitive handling of the matter.

Communication Strategy: Verona suggested revising communication messages to better explain waste reduction initiatives and alleviate discomfort among parents. Key messages will be reiterated on the front page of the newsletter to ensure clarity and transparency. It was emphasized that wrapper counting is solely for staff observation and will focus on educating our students in sustainable practices.

Leadership Development: Student school leaders will be extended by running school tours, providing them with opportunities to enhance their leadership skills and connect with various stakeholders.


The leadership meeting at St. John’s School showcased a commitment to fostering a positive school environment, promoting waste reduction initiatives, and developing effective communication strategies. By demonstrating gratitude, addressing concerns sensitively, and providing leadership opportunities, the school is taking proactive steps to create a culture of inclusivity, sustainability and continuous improvement.


Courage Corner

Aligned with our school theme of “Courage” for the year, the SAC explored the idea of introducing a Parent page in the newsletter called “Courage Corner” to express or show courage for things felt or observed in our community and we invite your submissions to


Courage Corner

We kick off this edition of the "Courage Corner" by extending our heartfelt gratitude to four remarkable student leaders: Lachie H, Jackson M, Kirralee and Evie W. These exceptional individuals took on the responsibility of leading our Open Day School Tours, providing prospective parents with a first hand glimpse into the life of our school. Their commitment to showcasing both our students and our school is truly commendable. Walking prospective parents through our campus and answering their questions requires not only confidence but also a deep understanding of what makes St. John’s special. We recognize that fielding inquiries from potential parents can be a daunting task, but Lachie, Jackson, Kirralee, and Evie tackled this challenge with grace and poise. Their willingness to engage with visitors and share their experiences reflects their dedication to our school community.

We want to express our sincere appreciation to these student leaders for stepping up and representing St. John’s School with pride and enthusiasm. By offering insights into our vibrant school culture and academic programs, they have played an instrumental role in showcasing the essence of who we are. To Lachie, Jackson, Kirralee, and Evie: thank you for your unwavering commitment,  your willingness to go above and beyond, and your exemplary leadership. Your efforts have undoubtedly made a lasting impression on all who had the pleasure of joining your tours. Let us continue to celebrate the courage and initiative of our student leaders as they inspire others and contribute to the ongoing success of our school. 


If you see us around school, please don't hesitate to say hello. We genuinely value your thoughts, input, and questions about the SAC. Whether you have feedback to share or simply want to engage in conversation, we're here to listen and connect with you. Your presence and involvement enrich our school community, and we look forward to engaging with you.

Angela Maclean 

St John's SAC Chairperson and Parent Representative