Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

Everyone at St John's is feeling a little more courageous and a little more faith filled after our incredible Courageous Catholics Day last week. We were totally awestruck by Gen Bryant and her Team as they danced, sang, shared stories and inspired us all to follow our dreams, to be brave and to know that God is always at our side.

Gen is not only one of our talented Parishioners but she is also a world renowned singer, performing on stages around the world, including singing in front of a crowd of 4 million people at World Youth Day in Portugal last year. Gen certainly connected with and engaged our students through her music. The day also included a shared picnic lunch and learning more about St John the Apostle, whom our school is named after. It was truly a spirit filled day and a time to connect with each and focus on our faith.

Please see the R.E. page for some beautiful reflections from our students about this special day.

Pink Day at St John's

This Friday at St John's will be Pink Day. I ask that everyone wears a touch of pink to school on Friday, 14 June. This might be a pink hat, a pink ribbon, a pink scarf or pink jacket. We are raising awareness about Breast Cancer and are fundraising for breast cancer research. If you are able to donate to our page that would be greatly appreciated. Throughout June, I'm pledging to Wear Pink everyday to raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation to fund life-saving breast cancer research. 

We're doing this for the 57 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer every day and I would love you to support me! 

If you would like to sponsor us and support the pink pledge to save lives then please click the link below to donate on the fundraising page:


Wrapper Free and Waste Wise Initiative

We are promoting and encouraging all students to bring wrapper free lunchboxes to school. We are trying to reduce our rubish and use of plastic wrappers. Beginning this week the Future Leaders will begin to keep a count of how many lunchboxes in their classrooms are wrapper free.

This will happen at the beginning of each lunchtime time and the future leaders will tally up the number of wrapper free lunchboxes. At the next assembly, the two classes with the most wrapper free lunchboxes percentage will receive class dojo points and one of our toy animal mascots to look after until the next assembly. We hope that all families can support this very important initiative.

Suggestions on how to be wrapper free:

  • Use beeswax wraps or small containers
  • Buy large bags of popcorn and make small containers to bring each day
  • Make your your own muesli bars and slices

Caritas Australia’s Papua New Guinea Landslide Disaster 

Remote communities in Papua New Guinea have been devastated by a catastrophic landslide that struck at 3am on 24 May. The timing of the landslide meant most people were sleeping at the time of the disaster, with little time to escape. Thousands are feared dead. Although the initial estimate from the United Nations was that at least 670 people may have lost their lives, this number could climb dramatically from recent reports. The total population of the entire affected ward is nearly 4,000 people.

The ongoing search and rescue operations are facing challenges due to the hazardous terrain and the continuous threat of landslides. As rescue efforts continue, those who have lost their homes urgently need our support now, and in the weeks and months ahead. Please act now. 

You can donate online at

Reconciliation Week at St John's 

St John's Long Walk

On Friday the Whole School celebrated Reconciliation Week, beginning with a Lioturgy then gathering at the front of the school to walk around Mitcham and to spread the message of Reconciliation. we all loved standing on the footbridge and waving our flags, receiving lots of support by the cras and trucks passing below. The shopkeepers all waved as we walked by and the outdoor cafe diners at the mall were surprised to see us all parading along. It is a great opportunity for our school community and we were so pleased that many parents were ab le to join us.


During Reconciliation Week the Year 5/6 students attended the Reconciliation Performance at The Round. My favourite part was when we watched the Earth Wisdom documentary. The documentary was all about connection to the land & Aboriginal heritage. I really enjoyed when they showed the stories about the dolphins & whales. We learned that when the whale said to the Aboriginal people to follow its bubbles it would  lead them to dry land. It was really cool that the person in the documentary made music with the eucalyptus leaf by whistling on it. 

The speaker taught us all about his connection to land & nature. I was really interested in the clap sticks & dreamtime stories. The overall experience was great & we all had a fantastic time at the performance. 

House of Books

We love to encourage our sudents to read so why not purchase some books for your child from the St John's Mitcham HOUSE OF BOOKS, which is situated next to the Church and is open every day except Sunday. The shop has a great range of good quality second hand books at very low prices. 

Opening Times are: 

Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm

Saturday 10am -1pm

Closed Sundays & Public Holidays.

All proceeds support St John's and St Vincent de Paul. Phone: 9401 6306

Bottle recycling - North barcode - Rooks Rd

We are now registered with the Rooks Rd Recycling Centre which is classified as the North Zone. 

Please note that it has a different Code to the previous Eastern Code we shared.

Our ID and barcode for the North region which supports Rooks Rd Visy Recycling is 

Zone ID: C2201011435


Scan your Zone ID barcode at a CDS Vic North refund point.

St John's Jokes

Did you hear that one of our chickens crossed the playground? It wanted to get to the other slide! 


Have a funfilled week ahead and remember to share your stories of courage with those around you.


Verona Gridley
