Parents, Teachers & Friends and School Advisory Council

School Advisory Council Members
Parish Priest - Fr Kingsley
Principal - Pauline Long
Chairperson - Michelle Cortis
Secretary - Kate Thompson
Finance - Tracey Klitsch
Member - David Lee
Member - Robyn Wilson
Member - Charlie Simkin
P T & F Committee Members
President - Jenni Hird
Vice President - Emily Pengilley
Secretary – Ashleigh Stevenson
Treasurer – Clare Lee
Fundraising - Janet Bhardwaj
School Advisory Rep - Kate Thompson
The next meeting of the School Advisory Council will be held on Wednesday the 5th of June 2024 at 5:00pm via Zoom.
The next meeting of the P T & F will be held on Wednesday the 5th of June at 6:00pm via Zoom or in person thanks to Mrs Bartholomew who has agreed to open the school for those who wish to attend.
The fundraiser for this term is through Picture Products. We are be offering 3 products which include a melamine plate, ceramic or plastic mug and a calendar. Each requires a separate template.
The process will be:
- Orders will be made through the PT&F square QR code (see attached 2nd flyer).
- Orders must be made by the 4th June. Once the order/s have been paid for, templates will be sent home for the students to decorate. Templates cannot be rolled, folded, creased or damaged in any way to be successful.
- Templates will need to be back at school by June 21st. (No late artworks will be accepted after this date.) These will then be sent to Picture Products for processing.
- Artworks should then be back at school for collection by Week 5 in Term 3.