Principal's Report

Dear families,
The society we live in is becoming increasingly complex and this is highlighted by the increase in technological advancements. It was with some sadness that I read the reports this week of the AI generated deep fake pornography that occurred at a school in Bacchus Marsh. This is not an isolated event unfortunately. Both sides of politics are now talking about banning children under the age of 16 from using social media accounts, however I think we can agree that it is not effective to simply ban things and expect them to go away. Think about vapes and underage drinking. We need to educate our children on ethical use.
As adults we need to find the courage to have the conversations with the teenagers we care for, as to how they are using technology and what obligations they have to their fellow students. Our kids need to know that it is not OK to post comments or images that are hurtful. I have asked some of the teachers here to continue to educate the students, in an appropriate manner, about some of these issues, however the fact is that most online flaming occurs outside of school time. I ask all parents and care givers to have a conversation this week with your child about what is appropriate to post.
At the end of the day, the value that we as a Christian community espouse is to respect the inherent dignity of every human being.
I am excited to announce that this week we have employed Colby McDonald, College Captain in 2022, as both a Learning Support Officer (LSO) and as our Indigenous Liaison Officer. Colby will be assisting me in the development of our Aboriginal Action Plan. I have included additional information in this newsletter on Child Safety Standard 1.
As we near the end of the semester, students have been finishing their end of unit assessments and teachers are currently marking these and we will issue reports on 28 June. I also remind families that on this day, the final day of term, the school will close at 2:30pm.
Stay safe
Gerard Raven