From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Welcome to Week 10 Term 2 wraps up!

As you are aware, this Friday 5 July and Monday 22 July are PUPIL FREE DAYS.                                                        Students start Term 3 on Tuesday 23 July.


Have a restful holiday and hopefully, time for families to get over the colds & flu that have caused many of our students and teachers to be absent this term.  Wishing you all a good rest and an enjoyable holiday.


Mini Vinnies

Thank you MIni Vinnies for organising the fun events for St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. The  Pj Day for warm items of clothing for SVDP and the Can Pyramid challenge for food donations for SVDP. 

Everyone had lots of fun. Congratulations Yr 6 on building the tallest Pyramid on the day. Congratulations to all of the other classes for your amazing Pyramids!


BBQ Lunch

Thank you to the P & F for the end of Term Sausage Sizzle today. 

THANK YOU for the Pizza Lunch last week. 

Thank you for supporting the Pizza lunch to assist in reducing the cost for the Yr 6 Excursion to Canberra this year. 

Semester 1 Reports were sent out last Thursday

Log into Compass

To view the Semester 1 report select your child's profile (photo) and click Reports, select 2024 Semester 1 Report.

UNESAP Let's Hang It! NERAM 6 pm Friday 26th July

Congratulations to  Jake Siddell on being selected as a finalist. I am looking forward to seeing your art Jake in the exhibition on the 26th July. 


Bookings for the opening night via -

The exhibition will run until Sunday 11 August 2024.


P & F - 

FETE Save the Date Saturday 23rd November - St Mary's Fete

P&F Meeting, Term 3,Week 3 Wednesday, 7 August  5:30 pm - Staffroom

PIE DRIVE - orders have been sent out, Monday, 29th July Pie Drive orders close, delivery is Friday 2nd August.

FETE Meeting 1st August - 5.30pm 

FETE Donation Day Friday, 2nd August Lollies and Chocolates

P&F TRIVIA NIGHT - 17th August School Hall


NAIDOC Week begins on Sunday, 7 July, during the school holidays. St Mary's will celebrate NAIDOC Week in week 2 next term.


NAIDOC week provides an opportunity for all Australians to join in celebrating the culture, aspirations and hopes of the country's First Nations peoples.


If you know anyone who has a son/daughter ready to start school next year please let them know that enrolments are now open. Enrolment forms can be obtained from the School Office. 


Upcoming Event Term 4 - New England Sings 2024 Term 4  for Years 3-6


This exciting event is beginning to take shape, 16 schools (with approx. 500 choristers) in the combined Primary choirs and 14 schools (with approx. 450 choristers) in the Secondary choir. 

Ian Jefferson will attend the workshops throughout the year and conduct the Primary choirs at the final weekend of rehearsals and concerts.

FINAL REHEARSAL (all schools)

Date: Saturday 26th October (directed by Ian Jefferson) 

Time: Primary Choir 9:00am – 10.45 am (arrive by 8:30am) 

 Venue: Lazenby Hall, UNE

CONCERTS: Date: Sunday 27th October (directed by (with Ian Jefferson) 

Time: Primary Choir 11:00am – 1:00pm (arrive by 9:30am) 

Venue: Lazenby Hall, UNE


A permission note has been sent home via Compass for Years 3-6 students who wish to participate in New England Sings.   Please accept or decline this invitation by 26th July 2024.

Attendance Matters Every Day Counts