Education in Faith

This weekend we look forward to celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation. There is a great buzz of excitement among our Year 6 candidates, whom are looking forward to celebrating with their peers and families. We wish our candidates and their families a time of blessing and grace on the up coming occasion of Confirmation.
Confirmation Information
Timing of photos:
12pm Celebration: | 2:30pm Celebration: |
Individual photos begin at 10:45am until 11:30
All candidates for the 12pm celebration are asked to be at school at 11:30am to be in a group photo prior to the commencement of the celebration. | Individual photos begin at 12:30pm until 2:00pm
All candidates for the 2:30pm celebration are asked to be at school at 2:00pm to be in a group photo prior to the commencement of the celebration. |
There is no set time for students to arrive for individual photos. You can arrive at any stage during the allocated time allocation, eg: if you are ready to take photos at 12:30pm you can arrive at this time and once completed go back home to return back at 2:00pm for the group photo.
Our Sacred Space will be opened to family and guests 30 minutes before the commencement of the Mass. Candidates will have allocated seating of 6 seats. Other guests can use the unallocated seating around the space.
Parish Mass
Just a reminder for tomorrow, Friday 14th June, there will be no parish Mass as we get our space ready for our Confirmation celebrations.
Next week, we celebrate Parish Mass with our Year One students. Family and friends are welcome to join us in our Sacred Space at 12pm.
Education in Faith Leader