Olivia, Charlotte and Amelia

Spelling Bee



Layla (1F): "Last week we did the Spelling Bee. I did the spelling bee last year so I knew what to expect.  The finalists for each house got to sit in a row of seats. The grade 6 students asked us to spell some words. Some people tried their best to spell a word, but if they didn't spell it correctly they got out. Finally, on the word 'glove', I was the last player and I was the winner."






Miles (Prep W): "We filled our marbles in a jar. To get a marble we had to do good things like sitting up straight and for trying our best. We are all wearing rainbow colours, we are watching a movie and eating popcorn and this morning we also played some games."


Harriet and Skye
Harriet and Skye


Harriet  (Prep CW): "We filled our jar of marbles. We started to fill it at the start of prep. Top get a marble we have to listen to the teacher. Some of us brought our teddies in today and we got to wear rainbow colours and make our hair crazy."


Skye (Prep W): "We got to have a movie and we get to eat popcorn and bring our toys to school. We get to do fun things all day! We also played dodgeball this morning which was lots of fun."




Grade 1



Max (1B): "If you get a double you have to put it in front of you and say what it equals. For example, if I got a double eleven I would say 'eleven plus eleven equals twenty-two."




Arya (1B):  "We are playing a game with cards to help us with our doubles. I got double 10, which adds to 20."




Grade 2



Alex (2P) "We all went to Whyte Street Park. We all played games. I played soccer with my friend Ray. It was really exciting. I hope we get to go again some time soon!"




Bauti (2S) "All of grade 2 went to Whyte Street Park to play for 2 hours! I played on the monkey bars. I like the play equipment there. I can skip a bar when swinging on the monkey bars. I also played the floor is lava. I liked getting out of the classroom for a while and walking with my partner to get there and get back" 


Whyte Street Park Photos:




Annie (2P): "I made a triarama on Jane Goodall. She saved lots of gorillas. She changed the world . She was important because she was a woman, and inspired girls to be activists."



Jackson (2P): "Jane Goodall is an activist who started as a researcher and then became an activist. She was important because she stopped poachers from killing rangers (the people who protect animals). It took about two days to create this poster and four days to learn all the information."




Grades 3 and 4


Sophia (3G): "We got to the Zoo and there was a shelter and we ate some snacks. Then we split into groups to go around the Zoo. We saw penguins, sharks and sting rays, seals, the lions, meerkats, and everyone's favourite was the baboons. My favourite animal there was the penguins."


Tate (3C): "We went to the Zoo to learn about animals and where they live. I remember seeing giraffes, elephants, zebras, a tortoise. "


Check out the photos of the zoo excursion below:






Xander (4B): "We are drawing images of people doing a sport that is part of the olympics and doing silhouette background. I chose surfing because it is my favourite sport to do."




Grades 5 and 6


David, Omri and Flynn
David, Omri and Flynn


Omri "We are teaming up to gather information about the War on Waste and we will be making a documentary. We chose plastic waste and we chose that for our documentary"


David "We have been learning about waste and watching videos and we also learnt about different types of waste. We picked one for our project"


Flynn "We are going to use at least four film techniques that we have learnt like lighting, shots, mise en scene and editing."




Levi "I drew poster of a kangaroo playing for the Matildas because the Paris olympics are going to be on soon and we want to support our teams"