French Programs

Sophie Oldfield

What’s happening in our French classrooms?


Our Year 10, 11, 12 VCE & IB French students are sitting their mid-year French exam this week. These exams are designed to be true to VCAA & IB examination guidelines and require students, for example, to use their knowledge on French cultural heritage in their response. This is great preparation for the end-of-year exams. Good luck to all our French students in this busy period, and don’t forget to bring a dictionary!


French Binational Program 


On Tuesday 18 June & Wednesday 19 June, our 9F students will sit the written examinations of Brevet des collègesThese French exams consist of: 3 hours of French literature, 2 hours of Mathematics, 2 hours of Histoire-Géographie (Humanities) and 1 hour of Sciences. Bonne chance à tous!


European & French Parliament Elections at Auburn High School


Last Sunday 9 June, Auburn High School hosted the European elections for French citizens living in Victoria and Tasmania. Over 900 people came to our school to cast their vote. French citizens living abroad were invited to elect their representative for the European Parliament (720 European MPs from the 27 EU countries based on their population). France was electing 81 of those. Regulations and traditions for voting in France are quite different from Australia: voting happens on Sundays and it is not compulsory ! Ballot papers are also much smaller and only one is needed to cast your vote. 


The upcoming legislative elections to decide on the next French parliament will also take place at AHS, on Sunday 30 June and Sunday 7 July. If you are interested in seeing a real-life French election, come along on one of those days and enjoy a croissant or two! 


Thank you to Mia & Aiko, in Year 9 Binational, for their help on Sunday! They took this opportunity to revise the topic of “la construction européenne” in Histoire-Géographie! 


Bastille Day Celebration - Friday 19 July


We look forward to celebrating Bastille Day with our school community on Friday 19 July! There will be on-site French entertainment, croissants for sale and more! Stay tuned for more information soon! 


2024 Edition of the Olympiades Nationales de Mathématiques  - 4ème (8F)

This week, we received the results of the French 2024 edition of the Olympiades Nationales de Mathématiques for the 4ème students.

For the first time since it was created, the French Binational Program at Auburn High School participated in this prestigious mathematics competition which runs amongst thousands of French schools around the world. Congratulations to our competing students, with a special recognition to Alisa Z who received a mention Très bien for her achievement.

Participating students in the 2024 edition: Marius G (far left), Apple L (left), Alisa Z (right), Rose R (far right), Hugo HM and Pascal FS (absent). Bravo à tous!