Wellbeing and Inclusion at AHS

Anna Naylor

Hello Auburn Community!


I want to extend my gratitude to all of those who provided feedback on the 'Seven Pillars of Wellbeing' that we will be launching. Your feedback is most appreciated.


As mentioned, we will provide regular updates of our Wellbeing Plan that is currently being designed as part of our New Strategic Plan.


So that we can lead with a data-driven practice, the Year 10 cohort has just completed the Pivot Wellbeing Survey. We have been working through the results and fortunately, we have many areas for celebration! This includes student's Sense of Safety and Sense of Belonging, both of which scored 4 out of 5. 


We cannot wait to share these results with the Year 10s at the Career Day Excursion. The area that we will be focusing on improving is Resilience. Although this still scored relatively high, it is the area that we could improve upon the most. The data suggests that students need support in asking for help.


To combat this, we intend to provide more opportunities for students to ask questions through question boxes, prompting, and conferencing. We will remind students of the importance of asking for help and breakdown the stigma that may be attached to it. If you could reinforce this narrative at home would be much appreciated!


Sending Gratitude!


The Wellbeing Team