Selecting your Pathway and Subjects

Selecting your Course and Subjects


Before you select a course of study it is important that you consider the following questions:


Student Pathways

What do I want to do in the future? What are my goals?

  • Go to university or T.A.F.E.?
  • Do an apprenticeship?
  • Get a job?

Whatever your ambitions, be sure you know what is required to be studied at Year 11 and 12 to assist you in achieving your goals.  Some tertiary institutions set out particular subjects that are prerequisites to qualify for admittance; some courses give strong recommendations of what subjects should have been studied.  Details of prerequisite subjects can be obtained from the Careers/Pathways & VET Coordinators, Year Level Coordinators and tertiary institutions. 


Do I have the ability to handle the subjects or course I wish to undertake?

Generally, a positive performance (at the standard or better in at least some assessment tasks) in that subject (or closely related subject) can be a good indication of likely achievement at the Year 11 level. If, for example, you have struggled with Mathematics in previous years, it would be most difficult to cope with a full Mathematics course at Year 11 or 12. 


Does that subject interest me?

This is important because if you have a definite interest in a subject, or a related area, this is a good indicator that you are likely to succeed in that subject.


Does the subject choice provide for a balanced course?

If you are not completely sure about your future career choice, be careful to choose subjects that leave your options open. A broad course provides for flexibility so that if you do not obtain your first career choice, you can change your mind about the career you have chosen. 


Do I understand the nature of the subject(s) I am selecting?

Students are faced with selecting subjects which are new to them as there are no Year 10 direct counterparts in some subjects. It is therefore crucial to work carefully through the description of each subject so that you have a proper understanding of what that subject involves. 

DO NOT choose subjects on the basis of who the teacher may be, or what your friends may choose.

Note: Course specialisation is greater at Year 11 than in any previous year, therefore, an inappropriate decison now may be difficult to reverse at a later date.


CONSULT with your Connect teacher, Course Counsellor, Year Level Coordinators,

 the Careers/Pathways & VET Coordinators, subject teachers, parents and other appropriate persons before making final decisions. 




CONNECT PROGRAM            (Compulsory Unit for VCE student each semester)

All Year 11 & 12 VCE students are involved in the CONNECT program. In the Senior Pathways Program, CONNECT is led by both the Senior School Educational Leaders and Student Leaders and thus, centred around preparing and supporting students for success in their VCE studies.


The program includes:

  • Student Led study sessions
  • Careers Pathways sessions (including VTAC Applications and various university presentations).
  • Study Skills development - Elevate Education workshops
  • Wellbeing Management
  • VCE English Seminars/Preparation
  • VCAA information sessions
  • Exam preparation (including the GAT)

*Please note, due to VET subjects running externally they may be unable to attend CONNECT sessions. It is therefore strongly recommended that VET students access all the relevant information on the Year 11 and 12 CONNECT Teams page and see their Year Level Coordinators for further information.





There are over 40 individual studies in the VCE, including Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs, organised into different fields of study. Of these studies, the majority will be available next year. Of these, only English Units 1 &  2 are compulsory in Year 11. 




Outcomes refer to key knowledge and key skills specified in each study. Each VCE unit includes a set of two to four outcomes which must be achieved for satisfactory completion of the unit.


Achievement of the outcomes is based on the teacher’s assessment of the student’s performance on assessment tasks designated for the unit.


School assessed coursework is made up of the assessment tasks specified in the study design. The assessment tasks are part of the regular teaching and learning program; they must be completed mainly in class time within a limited time frame.


At Units 3 & 4, marks will be allocated for the coursework assessment tasks and will 

contribute to the final study score. These marks will be reported to VCAA. Marks in Units 1 & 2 will be used only for internal reporting and do not contribute to the ATAR (Australian TertiaryAdmission Rank).


The final study score issued for Units 3 & 4 will be a compilation of marks allocated for coursework marks and exam results.



In order to attain your VCE Certificate, you must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 units including:

  • 3 units from the English group (2 of these must be from Units 3 & 4)
  • 3 other Unit 3 & 4 sequences (6 units which could include a VET sequence)

NOTE: To obtain an ATAR, satisfactory completion of both Units 3 & 4 of an English 

study is required.

It is essential that prospective Year 11 students plan a full 20-unit program 

prior to commencing their Year 11 studies.