Mentally Healthy School

Hello everyone,
As part of being a Mentally Healthy School with Act Belong Commit, we are excited to announce that we have the wonderful Helping minds organisation who will be delivering mental health education workshops for our school community in Term 3 and 4.
Topics include:
Boost your wellbeing
Raising Resilient Children
Social media and mental health
Mental Health Basics
Dates and Times will be announced at the start of Term 3 to invite parents, caregivers and school community members to participate in these workshops.
Our Year 5 and 6 students will be attending a Bullying response workshop in Term 3.
Our school staff will also be attending a Working with Anxiety in the Classroom workshop in Term 3.
Please see the Helping Mind link below for more details.
HelpingMinds offers free and informative workshops and services for anyone in the community wishing to learn more about mental health.
We are focusing on developing our School Belonging for students, staff, parents, caregivers and community members. We will be using Act Belong Commit, Social and Emotional Learning Resources to support us. We also look forward to using their resources in the classroom to include mindfulness, sensory tool kits, emotions management and wellbeing check ins.
Thank you for your support in helping all of us to Act Belong Commit
Congratulations to Ms Henrique's Year 5/6 class for being selected to be part of Zero2Hero with Chevron's Tough Stuff Program!
Chevron Tough is an 8 week resilience building program designed for young people in years 5 -6. The program combines physical and mental health to develop the resilience of each young hero.
The program pillar include;
- self awareness
- self belief
- mental toughness
- resilience
- tough bodies
- tough talk
- community and connection
The parent and caregiver information online session will take place in Term 3, Week 1 Thursday 18th July 6.30PM, with the program officially commencing Term 3, Week 2, in school hours.
The online information session link, information brochure and permission slips will be sent home and in class dojo in Term 3, Week 1.
A special shout out to Mrs Ward, Ms Watkin, Mrs Rogers, Ms Henriques and our admin team for helping in the facilitation of this program and other health and wellbeing activities.
Thank you so much to Zero2Hero and Chevron for supporting our participation in the program.
Thank you to our students, staff and parents for their ongoing support in our health and wellbeing initiatives. A special shout out to Mrs Turner for sharing her knowledge, skills and experience in gardening in our community garden consultation.