Chaplain's Corner 2024

Hello Marangaroo community,


Well, here we are halfway through the year! 


I want to give a heads up on what has been happening at the school. Breakfast club is up and running for all the early birds wanting yummy toast, a warm milo and a yarn.


We have started a year 4-6 boys club and have started teaching them how to cook and how to work as a group. So families look out for the next Jamie Oliver from Marangaroo.


A big thanks to all those parents that have made me feel welcome to the Marangaroo school community.


This week, we focus on how to manage our reactions and emotions effectively.

Food for Thought - I’m a big believer that your reaction to problems largely determines their impact on you. For example, someone cutting you off in traffic can trigger feelings of anger that can linger for hours. Or, worse… someone could trigger an emotional outburst, causing you to say something you later regret. But, by distancing your actions from how you feel, you can dissipate your emotions and prevent a minor slight from escalating into a major problem. 


My go-to trick is box breathing. Breathe in for a count of four, hold your breath and count to four, breathe out for a count of four, then hold your breath and count to four again. Repeat this cycle four times. Try it next time you feel your emotions might be about to get the better of you. 


Inspiring Quote -  "Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." — Viktor E. Frankl 


A Question for You - "How good are you at finding the right word(s) to express your feelings?". The more accurately we can label our emotions, the greater our chances of regulating them properly. 


Thanks again stay safe. 


Mr David Ward 

School Chaplain


Breakfast Club, Monday and Wednesday 8.00-8.30 Block A