Principal's Message 

Mr Tom Bagnall

The last two weeks have been very busy for us with swimming lesson taking place! It has been great to see so many students taking part in this, and really shows the value that families place on these being a part of the school program! The last 2 weeks of term will fly by, and I look forward to seeing all of the amazing things taking place in classrooms!


Reporting to Parents

On Tuesday 25 June, Semester 1 reports will be released to families. As in previous years, these will be emailed, and the link will allow access for 4 weeks. Please make sure that you save a copy of these reports as you may be asked to provide them when re-enrolling at different schools, particularly Year 6's enrolling in High School.

Should you have any questions about your child’s report, please feel free to make an appointment with their classroom teacher.


School Development Day

At our recent school development day, staff spent time looking at our school review submission, and spent a large amount of time exploring how we can implement some new methods of improving fluency when reading.

This will be implemented in classrooms from next term and will see students reading short text passages, focusing on accuracy, rate of reading and expression. One big way in which this can be complemented at home is by encouraging your child to read aloud for short periods of time as this allows for them to seek feedback from an adult, or older sibling.


Public School Review

Last week, we took part in the Public School Review process. The reviewers will now take time to form a report and some recommendations on what the school can do to improve, and I expect this back early next term. Once this is received, I’ll publish a copy on the school website.


Upcoming Dates – Term 2

A few dates to be aware of over the coming weeks are:


14 June – Last day of swimming lessons

25 June – Semester 1 Reports emailed home

28 June – Last Day of Term 2

Term 3

15 July – School Development Day - No students

16 July – First day for students


I hope that everyone has a fantastic end to the week, and as always, please feel free to come in and speak with me if you have any questions or concerns.


Tom Bagnall
