Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Child Safety

On the College website there are numerous policies on this most important area of Child Safety. Our policies talk about the importance of families being informed, having input and working together to support each other for the optimal safety and wellbeing of our students. We encourage parents and families to be familiar with the policies on the website and to contact member of our Child Safety Team (Arlene Diston, Brooke Lockhart, Casey Cilia, Jackie Kol and Justin Duckett) should you have any questions, suggestions or issues to discuss and share in relation to Child Safety. 


The link below is for the College’s Engaging Families in Child Safety Policy. We are constantly working on and trying to improve our Child Safety work and would invite parents/guardians/carers to have a look at this policy through this link:

Before School Drop Offs and After School Pick Ups

Recently on Yard Duty at the back gate I was concerned to see the number of students who got out of a vehicle on the Police Road exit lane from the Monash Freeway in the morning.  We remind Parents/Guardians/Carers that we recommend students are picked up and dropped off in a quiet arranged spot in the morning and afternoon for student safety and to avoid congestion in the school car park. We consider it unsafe for students to be getting out of vehicles on Police Road, and would encourage families to find a safer way for the drop off.


A reminder that if picking students up on campus there is the designated pick areas in the front of the school opposite the tennis courts. Staff supervise the front car park crossing areas for twenty minutes after the bell rings in the afternoon. If students are waiting for parents/guardians/carers after school for a longer period of time, the College Resource Centre is available for quiet study with staff supervision. If students are waiting for parents/guardians/carers to arrive after the closure of the Resource Centre, they can come to Student Services to wait for parents/guardians/carers.

Year 12 Drivers

A reminder to all Year 12 students who have or will soon be getting their Driver’s Licence. If you are driving to/from school and parking on the College campus, please ensure you get a College Parking Permit. Kindly collect the documentation from Mr Duckett’s office. 

End Of Term 2

A reminder that the funeral Mass for Mrs Mary Thisgaard will be held on Friday 28 June 2024.  There will be a total school closure day for staff and students in honour of Mrs Mary Thisgaard.  The last day of Term 2, 2024 will now be Thursday, 27 June, 2024 at 3.03 pm.


We hope all students have a great break after a long term and a fantastic holiday for both students and their families. We look forward to seeing all students return after the holidays.

Start Of Term 3 2024

A reminder that classes resume for Term 3, 2024  on Monday, 15 July 2024  (Day 6). As per the recent letter sent home a reminder of the expectations for all students to be in full school uniform from the first day of Term 3, 2024. We thank parents/guardians/carers for their support working together with us for growth and improvement of each and every individual in our community and indeed the continued growth and improvement of our Nazareth Community.


The new term creates an opportunity for all students to reflect, celebrate their successes and identify areas for growth and improvement. No matter what happened in the first semester, there is a real opportunity for all students to start afresh in Semester 2. We invite all members of our community to embrace the opportunities for growth in faith, wisdom and knowledge that will available next semester. In particular, we encourage our students who may have not done as well as they would have liked or who have struggled in Semester 1, to please come and see the relevant staff member for some support. We can then work with you to make Semester 2 your best yet.


Prayers for a blessed holiday for all.


God Bless.



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students