Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Guardians and friends of Nazareth


As we venture into the semester break, I take this opportunity to thank everyone for a successful Semester 1.  Throughout the past 20 weeks, our staff have worked tirelessly to teach, set work, provide activities for, and encourage our students to achieve their best.


Our Year 7s and new students have had a comprehensive transition, making them very much part of the Nazareth Community.


Many students have enjoyed a whole host of extracurricular activities.  Nazareth runs numerous activities that provide our students with many choices.  There are no excuses for students not to be engaged in school activities.  I commend those students who have taken advantage of The School of Excellence.  Many have participated in soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis and aerobics.  Each of them have developed lifelong skills from which both school and community benefit.  We also provide lunchtime clubs for students with different interests.


At the commencement of Term 3, students will receive their school reports, which will account for their efforts, dedication, and work efforts.  We hope these truly indicate what they have learned and mastered in the first two terms of 2024.  Our Year 9, 10 and 11 students have also engaged in exams in the hope that they can master successful exam techniques and can represent their knowledge under exam conditions.  The hope is to build from these experiences leading into Year 12.


Camps, Reflection Days, Work Experience and Excursions have been very much part of the Nazareth curriculum in Semester 1.  Our students thrive by doing activities outside of the traditional classroom.  I congratulate them for making the most of these opportunities.


Tomorrow, the College will be closed in honour of long serving staff member, Ms Mary Thisgaard.  It allows our staff, students and families to attend her Funeral Service at St Simon’s the Apostle Parish in Rowville commencing at 11.00 am.  On behalf of the Thisgaard family, ‘I thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and stories shared about Mary throughout the 34 years of service’.



Next term school resumes on Monday 15 July as a Day 6.  We continue to expect the best of all our students regarding behaviour, attire, manners, respect and, most importantly, their learning.  I thank each of you for your support throughout this semester and may we continue to improve in the coming Semester.


Have a restful break from the daily chores of school for the next few weeks, and we hope that everyone returns to school inspired to succeed again.


God Bless, and thank you for your support.



Mr Sam Cosentino