
An Attitude of Gratitude

As the term comes to an end, let us have an attitude of gratitude. For all the teaching and learning that has taken place in our school, both in and out of the classroom. We give thanks for the community that we are and the opportunities that we have.  


First, we will never be grateful unless we see clearly all that God has done for us.  It’s so easy in life to focus in on all the struggles we face and, as a result, to get down, depressed, frustrated and even angry at times.  What’s far more challenging is to look beyond the burdens we face each day to see the abundance of grace and mercy given to us by our Lord.  Unless we see that mercy and grace, we will struggle greatly with authentic gratitude.


So let’s reflect upon this simple question: Do we see all God has done for us?  Do we see His abundance of mercy alive in our lives?  The Gospel passage (Luke 17:11-19) explains how Jesus healed ten lepers, but only one of the ten returned in gratitude.  If we can humbly admit our struggle with total gratitude, we will have taken the first step to seeing more clearly and the first step to fostering the deeper gratitude we ought to have.  Being grateful means seeing the truth clearly.  Be open to that truth and God will change our lives as He fills us with joy!


Lord, please do fill our hearts with an abundance of gratitude. Help us to see beyond the struggles of life and the burdens that get us down.  In place of these, help us to become increasingly aware of all You have done for us and all that You continue to do.  


Holy Family of Nazareth, be our inspiration and our guide.

Jesus of Nazareth, help us to grow in Faith, Wisdom and Knowledge.


(The above reflection was based on the article below)