
Monday 22 JulyCollege/ Boarding Closure - Staff Professional Learning Day
Tuesday 23 July

Colleges open/Classes resume

Boarding Open for Bag Drop from 8.00 am

Boarding Open from 3.20 pm

Wednesday 5 August HSC Trial Examinations begin
August 18 - 20Australian Boarding Schools' Association Conference 
Wednesday 28 August Year 12 Boarders Graduation Mass
September 17 - 19 MEBS is at the Henty Field Days
End of Term 3: Friday 5 July 2024

Boarders' Mass Term 2

The Term 2 Boarders' Mass was celebrated in Week 6, Wednesday 5 June. Bishop Mark Edwards and Father Sean Byrnes conducted the Mass. Many thanks to the Boarding Leaders, House Captains, Boarding Captains, and BRC Leaders for their part in the Mass and to the Boarders as a whole for how they participated so positively. The Bishop joined us for dinner following Mass. 




With winter approaching a MEBS hoodie is a great way to keep warm $48.95 ea.

Available online from the KCC Shop:

For students to purchase they need to access via the link and enter the password:

Password: MEBS2650

Note the site only accepts card payments.