From the Houses

Rice House

The second half of Term 2 was very busy with activities, sporting events and a Colleg Musical.  On Thursday the 20th of June around 20 of the Boarders went to watch Kildare’s variety show ‘Heartbeat’. The students had a great time and were really impressed with the show.




Jeremy - Div 3 Basketball NSW
Jeremy - Div 3 Basketball NSW



Lachlan Nagle (Year 7) was excited to receive the ‘Cleanest Room’ award for Rice House.


The students have taken part in a variety of sports and activities at PCYC.


The students enjoyed watching the ‘State of Origin’ game and a big win for the Blues on te night



David Cook | Boys’ Coordinator

Nagle House

The last few weeks have seen a buzz of activity in Nagle House. As well as their usual daily routine the girls have been very busy and engaged in a wide range of activities including the following:

Board games and Jigsaws, a number have competed in the BISSA athletics, taken up playing badminton, joined the swim squad at Oasis swimming pool, attended music lessons, and competed/ practiced in tennis, and football.


The KCC Musical, “Heart Beat” has also seen excellent involvement as participants and audience.


The end of Term 2 is looming fast and all members of Nagle House are looking forward to the holiday break and being with family and friends.


It's great to see all year levels mix within Nagle House with the older girls being positive role models for the younger ones. During the term, Neve ( Year 11), Maya (Year 8), Laura (Year 8), and Mary (Year 7)have been playing Monopoly. It can become quite competitive - in this image, Mary was the winner of this game.

Badminton has become a favourite game with some of the girls during the afternoon.


This week Lucy, Tessa, and Ivy all competed at BISSA. Ivy was awarded Age Champion. Congratulations to all the girls for their achievement in reaching BISSA Standards.


Afternoons in Nagle house are busy not only with our activities program but also with music, tennis, netball, and art. Emma, Culley, and Gabbie all keep very fit with the swim squad /lessons at Oasis.


Congratulations to  Evie and Maya  who have consistently kept their rooms immaculate this month and were awarded cleanest rooms. Excellence in boarding for attitude and willingness to consistently meet boarding expectations were awarded to Emma and Madeleine. 


It's great to see the common areas used by the Year 10 and 11’s. Here Isla, Malle, Maisy, Evie, and Archi are starting quite a complicated puzzle.


Dana (Year 12) has had a busy term. From abseiling in the blue mountains, which was scary but terrific at the same time, and recently a visit to Sydney where she completed her RSA for hospitality at the William Angliss Institute. Both these school events have given Dana not only confidence but also ideas for possible career pathways.


KCC recently put on Heartbeat which was seen by quite a few of the Nagle House girls.

Celeste and Jazzabelle were both part of the production.


We have a lot of very talented girls in Nagle House. Recently Scarlett has made this blackboard which shows her fine craftsmanship.


Beautiful Artwork - recently completed by Celeste. 


From all of us in Nagle House, our prayers are for a safe and happy term break and we are looking forward to what the next term brings.