
Student of the Week Award Winners - Week 8
Student of the Week Awards - Week 9
FMM- Remi A
1/2K - Mateo D A R
1/2S - Kearna R
3/4L - Edwin C
3/4J - Harry W
3/4B - Charlie S
5/6BC- Lin Na D
5/6K - James C
Birthdays Week 9
Happy Birthday to ...
Samuel R, Gus R, Matteo DM and Jethro H!
Year 3/4
What’s been happening in Year 3/4J?
3/4J Newsletter
Back in Week 6 of this term, students completed their very own newspaper articles. Students identified the text structure and features of a newspaper article and included these in their published pieces. The articles have been turned into the very 1st issue of the 3/4J Carlton North PS Times. Here is a sneak preview:
Science Projects
This week, students have begun building their dioramas as part of their Science Unit on the Sun, Earth and the Moon/Solar System. Some students are building their own individual dioramas, while some are working in small groups. Looking at some of their plans, we can’t wait to see what they come up with!
This week in 3/4, we have been continuing our learning about how to form long lasting habits. Some students have chosen a habit to make, others a habit to break. We have learned that the key to success is to break the goal into small 1% changes that compound over time. Here are some examples of chosen habits.
3/4L have made a great start on our space diorama’s showing the distance of the planets from the Sun, the solar system and the size of the Earth, Moon and Sun. We came up with lots of creative ideas during our planning process and are now starting to build!