Message from the Principal Team

Week 9 Term 2
Mural on the Accessible Toilet Block
We are very excited to share that we have engaged local artist Melanie Caple, to design and paint a mural to wrap around the grey accessible toilet building adjacent to the 1/2 Deck. On Monday 20 May, Melanie met with our Student Representative Council (SRC) to discuss what elements they would like to see on the mural that is representative of our school.
After bouncing ideas around with the SRC and thinking about the mural in relation to the school and the neighbourhood, Melanie has chosen to depict a young juvenile magpie with eucalyptus leaves and blossoms, a crested pigeon with chocolate lily flowers and bat silhouettes - a favourite sighting of the students at night.
The pink line that runs through the design is the map of the Merri Creek, snaking its way through the inner northern suburbs and connecting the mural between the night sky and the earth.
The 2022 CNPS Art Show raised $10,000 and these funds were allocated for a mural for the school along with an additional $5000 from the Building Fund. It has taken quite some time for the mural to eventuate as our school buildings are heritage listed and we have consulted with Heritage Victoria as to where we could possibly paint a mural.
Melanie will start the mural early next week, weather permitting and we look forward to seeing the work as it progresses.
Semester 1 Student Reports
Semester 1 Student Reports will be published on Wednesday 26 June. Consultation with staff, the Education Subcommittee, School Council and community has resulted in the addition of a report comment outlining each child’s Personal and Social Capabilities as marked against the Victorian Curriculum.
We will be conducting Parent/Carer Interviews on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 July. These interviews provide parents and carers with the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with their teacher.
Staff News
Sadly Jacqui commences family leave tomorrow. We wish her well and are excited to welcome another baby into the CNPS Family. Jacqui commenced with us in 2020 and has been a valued member of staff. She will be very much missed and we can’t wait for her to return to visit with Baby for lots of cuddles and love.
Welcome to Abigail Evans, who will be replacing Jacqui as the teacher of FJ. Abigail has recently worked at CNPS in a relief Education Support role. She is a graduate teacher from New Zealand and is now in Australia commencing her teaching career as a Graduate Teacher.