News from around the school 

Updates from our Pastoral Groups (Units)

Middle Years ~ 3/4 News

Uppers Years ~ 5/6 News 


LAST DAY for Bookclub ~ Issue 4 

Book Club ISSUE 4 has arrived! Look out for your copy of Book Club coming home in your child's schoolbag! It's packed with hundreds of books from just $3 to help you on your child's reading journey.


We NO LONGER ACCEPT CASH for bookclub so all orders must be placed online. 

Orders are due by June 14th 2024.


Our School Production ~ The Hit List!

Props needed for our Production ~ 

Does anyone have a Juke Box we could borrow - it does not need to work just a prop for the show.


It could be similar to:


Thank you


All students in our school will perform in our production through a pastoral group musical number. Let's all come together to support our school and make this production a memorable success! Bravo to everyone involved,  let's make this journey to the stage a magical one!


Families please let us know if you would like to volunteer your time to support our production, we may need props, you may have a talent in makeup, sewing, ushering etc.  Please keep an eye out for more details.

Lunch Orders ~ Current Menu as seen on PAM

Did you know? ~