From Our Principal

St Mel's is a proud Catholic Education Community, striving, learning 


and achieving together through Christ our light.

Newsletter  ~ Term 2, Week  9, 2024

Principal's Message:

Dear Parents, Carers, Families and Friends of St Mel’s Primary School,


As we approach the last fortnight of Term Two and reflect on the past two terms of learning here at St Mel's Primary School, I am grateful for the support of our parents, carers, staff team, parish and broader community for the benefit our learners. Parents as first, and ongoing, educators of their children partner with the school at enrolment to continue the child's formal educational journey, within the context of our Catholic parish and local community. As the saying goes... "it takes a community to raise a child." 


Research has shown that when schools and families work together, children:

  • do better
  • stay in school longer
  • are more engaged with their schoolwork
  • go to school more regularly
  • behave better
  • have better social skills

Across the two terms I have spent considerable time in Learning Studios across the school from Foundation through year six and taken note of the learning progression of our children across the first half of the current school year. With our Staff Team currently drafting school reports in readiness for releasing to parents, carers and children in the last week of term, I have also commenced reading teacher comments in relation to the learning journey thus far. When these important progress documents are released via SIMON (PAM) I encourage parents and carers to sit with the children and discuss the learning undertaken to date and goals for the next term. Formal Parent / Teacher / Child Learning Conversations  will be held in the second week of Term Three.


The end of term is a very busy and demanding time with teachers analysing triangulated student learning data sets, discerning progression points, drafting comments and continuing the daily learning and teaching programs for our learners. Over the past three weeks and continuing next week a number of additional meetings have been occurring in support of students on personalised learning plans. I have appreciated the commitment of parents/carers and members of our Staff Team to these important conversations. Di Walker, our new Leader: Learner Diversity and Pastoral Wellbeing, who commenced in the middle of the term has been of great support to these meetings.


 St Mel's Parish Feast of St Anthony of Padua

Those able to join in the celebrations of St. Anthony's Feast Day last Sunday will attest to what a wonderful community event we enjoyed as a broader parish community. Our Christ the King church was filled to capacity, with around 250 adults and children gathering for a shared lunch in the St Mel's Hall. The gathering was entertained by a host of performers including our very own Jasmine Muhimpundu (Year 6) who performed an African dance to the delight of those gathered. A truly enjoyable and culturally diverse celebration and sharing of culinary delights! (Be sure to come along to the 2025 St Anthony's Feast Day!)


2025 Enrolments for Foundation (Prep) and higher year levels.

We continue to receive Expressions of Interest for enrolment at St Mel's Primary School for the approaching new year (2025). Enrolment Interview and Tours for prospective enrolments will commence in Term Three.


Reminder: If you are yet to register your child for 2025, please do so by the end of this term.

                      If you know of anyone yet to register, please encourage them to do so by end of                             this term.  


School Saver Bonus - Discriminatory Victorian State Budget Initiative

The Victorian State Government announced a $400 'School Saver Bonus' for all students in Victorian State Schools and eligible concession card holders in non-government schools.

The Allan Labor Government is punishing hardworking families for choosing a Catholic school for their child, by excluding the vast majority of them from the $400 School Savings Bonus. 


The Victorian Catholic Education Authority calls on the Victorian Government to treat all Victorians fairly and consistently in deciding which school families receive financial support for cost-of-living pressures. Families in Catholic schools are feeling cost-of-living pressures too, yet the Allan Government clearly believes they are not worthy of financial support, solely because they have chosen a Catholic education for their children.  This decision is discriminatory and unfair; it punishes 130,000 families in Catholic schools who will not get the support available to every single family in a government school. We are calling for equality. We believe the payment should apply to all students or should be means tested for all students. It should not be based on which school you attend. 


Local State Member for Shepparton, Kim O'Keeffe, has initiated a petition for parents, carers and members of the community to show their support for a more equitable School Saving Bonus. To show your support for a more equitable funding model for the School Start Bonus visit:


Last Day of Term Two:

The last day of school for Term Two is Friday 28th June.

School will end at 2:20pm on the last day.

(Please note the early dismissal time!)


First Day of Term Three:

Term Three commences on Monday 15 July from 8:30am.


Attendance: Every Day Counts

Our School Progress Reports show student attendance across the Semester.

Good attendance is: 90%

Great attendance is: 95%

When you receive your student's progress report and their attendance rate, set a goal for Term 3 to increase weekly attendance.


Thank you for your ongoing support of your children and our school.

Best wishes for the remaining weeks of Term Two.


Kind regards,




Stephen 'Steve' Hicks
