Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Families,


Welcome to the final newsletter for Term 2; halfway through the year! Can you believe it? 


We began this week with some scaffolding being put up in preparation for some restoration works occurring over the holidays. The slate tile roof on the original Residence building is getting some attention, in order to maintain it for future years. The Residence internal works have continued to progress, albeit at a snail’s pace.  Hopefully, the piano and wellbeing rooms can re-open soon. 


I hope that you all walked away from the recent Student Led Conferences feeling elated and excited at your child’s achievements. I had the pleasure of joining in a number of conferences, and I was very impressed with how well our amazing students articulated their learning growth across the semester.  Thank you so much for your support in making time to attend our conferences. It really means a lot to us and the students that you could help celebrate their learning journey.  


At assembly today, we reflected upon a fantastic semester at Dana Street Primary School. We are so very proud of our students and how they have channelled their growth mindset across the year.  


Our 1/2 students provided us with an excellent example of their Japanese language development and our Junior School Council announced the sports equipment they purchased with Term 1’s fundraising money. 


Our students were also very excited at the news that we will be getting new fencing around parts of the oval, along with new basketball rings, installed over the school holidays. Our students conducted a vote on which of the two would be preferable for them; however, our very supportive School Council suggested that we do both projects. I am looking forward to beginning Term 3 with this new infrastructure for our students to use. 


We have an incredibly busy Term 3 planned. Our 4-year Strategic Review is occurring, and I am very much looking forward to working with our school community to develop a new Strategic Plan for Dana Street’s next four years of growth and excellence. 


There are a number of exciting excursions and a camp to look forward to, as well as the Olympics, which is always an exciting opportunity to weave into our classroom learning. 


I do hope that you are able to make some time over the next couple of weeks to spend with family and those who matter the most. 


We will see you all back in Term Three. 

