Deutsche Ecke

R-5     Libby Edwards

Yrs 3-6      Emma Chesterman 


 A few of our LNPS families are lucky enough to be travelling to Germany or in Germany at the moment. What a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in German language and culture. It brought us to thinking - what can we do to encourage our curious minds to keep learning German during the holidays?




1) A family day trip to Hahndorf

What can you find out about German history and migration to South Australia? 

Why not try some German food while you are there?

What German signs can you see?

Did you hear people speaking in German?


2) Languages Alive!

What about a School Holiday Language course through the School of Languages?Exposure to learning languages is central to developing cultural understanding in young people. A key aim of all activities will be to provide participants language learning opportunities in a range of languages, including German, Hindi & Spanish. Discover and learn about new languages and cultures with interactive cultural activities for students from Reception to Year 6.

Where: School of Languages: 255 Torrens Road, West Croydon SA 5008

When: Tuesday 9th July (Registration) 9:30am (Start) 9:45am – (Finish) 3:30pm

How much: $10 per student per day; School Card/Health Care Card Holders: FREE *Plus Booking Fee

For photos from previous events please go to:

Please note that all children will need to wear comfortable clothing; including a hat, and bring a bottled drink (water only), a snack and a packed lunch. There will be no catering facilities on site.



The Goethe Institut, is a non-profit German cultural association operating across the globe to promote and support the study of German language.

Why not download the app and poster and use the interactive map of Germany created by the Goethe Institut to discover and learn together.

The app and interactive map of Germany have been designed to encourage exploration using exciting augmented reality (AR). You can find out about Germany with interactive tasks to support learning German at the same time. Even if you don’t speak any German yet, you can find out more about Germany in several languages.



4) DUOLINGO - online learning

Year 3-6 students all have accounts created for them to continue learning German online. When the family chores have been completed and you’ve had some quality time in the great outdoors, with parental support, some quality screen time to support listening, speaking, reading and writing in German is encouraged. Remember we can track your progress on our teacher Duolingoschools accounts. Need help remembering how to log in, please check in with Frau E or Frau C before the end of the week.


5) ZU HAUSE - at home

Why not search for a German recipe to try?

What can you find that is made in Germany?

Find out about the German Olympics team.


Viel Spass in den Ferien!


Frau Chesterman -

Frau Edwards -