Primary Years, Tarneit

Mrs Maria Denholm 


Every student is a gift from God placed in our care. Each one uniquely created to be who we are, successful in our own way. Through our academic and pastoral care programs, we teach students to set goals. Once goals are set students have our unwavering support to continue building their skills, so that they can achieve these goals. Together we create a range of pathways for students to achieve their goals. Building resilience is key, therefore it is important to celebrate the little wins along the way, and not dwell on the failures. Recently, Roger Federer said in a speech that despite winning 80% of his matches, he only won 54% of the points. Failures should however be viewed as learning moments. Together we evaluate student progress, and adjust course, as necessary to ensure they reach their goals. Every step towards our goal is one of value. Standing back and taking in the view is important. Students are taught to appreciate the successes throughout the journey, not just the product.


Mrs Talita Zibell

Assistant Head of Primary Years

Year 3-6 Primary Year Athletics Day

We could not have asked for a better day! The sun was shining, and enthusiastic students and teachers arrived at the track.


I would like to thank the PE teachers, particularly Mr Bradbury, for organising this event. The students and staff had a wonderful day. Thank you to all the families that came along to support their children.


It was great to see so many students participating in their events. The students on the pavilion, in between their own events, were loudly cheering along with the students in their House. Throughout the day, the House points were never more than 20 points between the House coming first and the one coming last. In the end, it came down to the very last points handed out to move the third placing House into an equal 2nd space. The final results were Armstrong in third, Chirnside and Baker in equal second, and Hume as the winner!


Mrs Talita Zibell

Assistant Head of Primary Years