Creating Success Together

Mrs Maria Denholm 

Creating Success Together

In the recent publication: Celebrating Success 2023, the College Principal, Mrs Fiona McAuliffe stated the following: 

“At Good News Lutheran College, we believe in ‘Creating Success Together’, fostering an environment that equips students to reach their full potential. We challenge students to strive for greatness, push their boundaries and become the best versions of themselves. We also acknowledge that academic prowess is only one facet of a well-rounded education.
Being a good person and a well-rounded individual is about demonstrating our College Values of Grace, Respect, Integrity and Courage. It is about being a team player, showing empathy, displaying leadership and being a responsible member of our community. It is about finding what you are passionate about and using that passion to make a positive impact on the world. Remember, embrace what makes you unique; it’s the key to discovering your greatness.”


In addition to Mrs McAuliffe’s words, I would like to emphasise that for these aspirations to be achieved, we need to work together. That starts with the first enrolment interview where the College Values, Mission and Purpose are shared. It continues as parents become informed about the school life of their child and begin to work alongside teachers and staff. This also includes an element of trust which parents and caregivers have placed in the College to educate their child/ren. This education is a holistic endeavour which includes academic, physical, social, emotional and spiritual aspects. By working together, we have the best opportunity for our students to ‘create success’, whatever their version of that may be.


You may have heard of the African proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child". It’s believed to have originated from the Nigerian Igbo culture and the proverb “Oran a azu nwa,” which loosely translates to “it takes the community/village to raise a child”. It encapsulates much of what we are striving for at Good News Lutheran College. It is also relevant across different cultures as the idea remains timeless and relevant: raising a child involves collective effort and support.


Let’s continue to ‘Create Success Together’ at Good News Lutheran College.

Mrs Maria Denholm

Head of Primary Years