From the Wellbeing Deputy

Jessica Robinson

Happy Families: Justin Coulson

Dr Justin Coulson’s Happy Families Subscription

As part of a partnership with our Connected Schools Community, St Paul is subscribed to the Happy Families School Membership. Owned and run by Dr Justin Coulson, one of Australia’s leading parenting experts, the membership offers a wealth of parenting education and resources.

Use the login below to access Insights Articles and Webinars available to our school community.

This week article is ‘The Best Way to Say No to Your Kids’ the link will also share the recent webinars. Some other articles featured this term include: 

  • Making family life fun
  • Teaching children that mistakes are okay
  • Every Day Counts
  • Technology Giants & Our Kids
  • The Power of Habit
  • Managing Fatigue as a Parent 
  • Family Goal Setting

Articles and webinars can be accessed through: 

St Paul Login: 

Password: happyspls

Happy reading!


A webinar highlight that the Happy Families team have shared this week comes from a past webinar called ‘Riding the Rollercoaster and can be found on this link: Riding the Rollercoaster | Happy Families Schools

Juggling the task of raising a family with the rest of life often feels impossible. It’s stressful… it’s taxing.

There’s already enough to do with work, the house, the kids’ routine, extra-curricular activities, personal interests, and a crowded calendar. But once we throw in the stress that comes from tired or grumpy children, a stressed or absent partner, and the day-to-day emotions of a roller coaster life, it can feel overwhelming.

In this webinar, Dr Justin Coulson will step out simple parenting, family, and life hacks (and science that supports them) to help you reduce, simplify, stay sane, be consistent, and raise a flourishing family. You’ll hear ten practical, “real”, do-able strategies designed to make family life simpler, smoother, and happier.


Please feel welcome to join us for worship each Wednesday morning this term at 9am in the Church. Thank you to Year 2 Huxtable for leading us in Chapel this morning. Next week, Pastor Matt and Vicar Sean will lead us in Closing Chapel on Wednesday morning. 


Thank you to Reception Sheahan for sharing your learning with us last week in their very first Assembly! Our final Assembly for the term will be hosted this week by Year 4 Burgan. 

Chapel and Assembly Livestreaming

Chapel and Assemblies are livestreamed on our closed group on Facebook each week. You can find this by searching ‘St Paul Lutheran School Blair Athol Live Streaming’.