From the Teaching and Learning Deputy

Graham Buxton

Mid-Year Reports 

We are currently in the process of finalising our mid-year reports which will be available this Friday 21 June. These are progress reports, which give an indication of how your child is developing in their achievement. This progress is evaluated against the year level achievement standards in each subject area, as set in the Australian Curriculum.


We hope that through our additional sharing of work samples on Seesaw this year, and general communication from teachers, that you already have some awareness of the grades in these reports already. Should you have any questions about your child’s report, or how you can assist your child’s learning at home, please contact your child’s teacher and make a time to discuss the report and your child’s learning in person.


It is also important to remember that a grade does not give the true, detailed picture of what is happening at school. Children will be mindful of reports and may be anxious about the follow up conversations that will happen at home. It is easy to focus on the grades in these conversations but this can dismiss a child’s hard work and progress. We need to demonstrate to our children that we value their effort. You can do this at home by focusing on their effort grade for each subject and praising them for where they have demonstrated a positive effort in class. This reflects their hard work, focus and effort and can reflect their growth which may not always be reflected in their final grade. You can ask your child about what they have improved in this semester and what their goals are for next semester. This helps ensure your child focuses on their growth and how they can continue to develop every week and term, rather than focusing on one grade that they can’t see any change in until Term 4. If you would like further guidance or assistance in these conversations, please speak to your child’s teacher or contact me at


Your child’s report can be accessed via the school portal on our website or the St Paul App. Information on how to access this information is below and if you have any further questions, please contact the front office.