


Written by Tatiana Overduin, LCA


We worry about the future, don’t we? Well, I do sometimes. Even when I don’t want to worry, it still creeps in. So many things can trouble us in this world in which we live. So, what jumped out at me from this Scripture text today was Jesus’ confident foreknowledge of what was to come. He told his disciples to fetch the colt and even told them they would be asked about their actions and what they should say. Most importantly, everything would be as it should be – just as he had instructed.


God knows everything: our past, present and future. God knit us together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). He was there and he is here. He is here for us today, so we can be assured that he is also already there in our future. How often do we contemplate this truth? That God is already there before us, holding us in the palm of his hand. There are countless examples we can read about in the Bible of ‘God’s foreknowledge’, but just one other that can be referred to in this devotional account is when Jesus foretells his death and resurrection (read Mark 9:30,31). Jesus knew that was his mission; he was born to bear our sins and bring them to the cross. Jesus was born to die for the atonement of our sins, and he knew this from the very beginning of time.


Jesus tells us that we, too, are born to bear the struggles in our daily walk with God. The Scriptures warn us that we will suffer persecution because of our faith in God (2 Timothy 3:12). But we are also reassured that God will be there with us through these struggles (1 Corinthians 10:13).


We do not need to be afraid of the past: Jesus has redeemed us (Isaiah 43:1). We do not need to fear today: Jesus walks with us (Matthew 14:27). We do not need to be anxious about the future: God promises to us that he is already there (Matthew 6:25–34).


Dear Lord, thank you for guiding my life journey so far, holding me in the palm of your hand, in this very moment in the here and now, and assuring me of your presence ahead in the future. Please help me to trust in you for all things. Help me also to entrust my loved ones to you to quench any fears of their salvation. May you enliven the Holy Spirit’s work within me so that I may be a light for others when they struggle to understand how you are at work in their life journey. We hope in you always. Amen


Submitted by Hayley Woodward