Year 3/5/6 class

In the afternoon sessions, the Year 3/5/6 class have been busily preparing our art pieces for the upcoming Red Gum Festival. Mrs McNaughton gave the students a drawing lesson last Friday at the river on how to draw trees using pencils. The completed pieces are outstanding and will be be display at the festival or at school. We are aiming to have multiple pieces completed and the students can then choose their favourite one to enter. We are using different materials and techniques, such as drawing, water colour, grid art using warm and cool colours, paint scraping and printing.
In Humanities earlier this term, we were learning about the different types of celebrations that Australia has in the calendar year. Our current topic is 'How do people and environments influence one another?' We are investigating how people change the natural environment in Australia and other places around the world. The senior class are learning abut the different Biomes around the world and then are choosing one to complete research about.
In Science, our focus has been the 'Among the gum trees', where we are learning about eucalypts in Australia, the different stages of the life cycle of a flowering plant and methods of seed dispersal.