This week's notes

Dear families and friends,
The annual Naplan assessments for students in Year 3 and 5 are underway. This week students have completed their writing and reading tests. The writing task was to write a narrative involving a boat or ship to be completed within a 40 minute deadline. The reading test asked students to read a series of texts representing different genres and answer questions about each. So far the children are coping well and working to the best of their abilities.
Naplan Next Week
Language Conventions - Monday 18th March
Numeracy - Tuesday 19th March.
Please try to have your students attend on these days.
If you would like to trial a test you can follow this link and give it a go:
Parent / Teacher Interviews (next Tuesday)
Interview appointment times for Tuesday 19 March, opened last week on the UEducateUs app. We have a small number of time slots left so if you would like to make an appointment please let us know. If you cannot attend next Tuesday please contact your class teacher to make an alternative time.
School council
The AGM and a regular School Council Meeting will be held next Wednesday 20th March beginning at 7 pm at school.
SGSSA Athletics 2024
The Year 3- 6 students have begun training for the SGSSA Annual Athletics Sports (Southern Grampians School Sport's Association) to be held on Tuesday 26th March with a 9:15 start. We have a change of venue this year and the sports will be held at Mitchell Park, Mt Napier Rd, Hamilton. Please remember parents are asked to provide transport for their children on this day.
Cavendish PS is running the boys and girls Long Jump event on the day and we would be really appreciative if we could have 1 or 2 parent helpers to assist us on each rotation. Please let us know if you can help.
The 2024 program is attached below:
Living Safely With Pets Program
Next Friday 22nd March we will hosting a school visit from Tucker the cocker spaniel x poodle and his handler Barbara Lloyd. They will be teaching us how to be safe around dogs and how to read their body language. This is always a popular event at school because so many of us have dogs at home.
Have a good weekend
Sally Purnell
Acting Principal