Leadership Report

Easter Raffle

Once again, we concluded term 1 with a huge celebration and the drawing of our Easter raffle. We were once again overwhelmed with the generosity of our families in the huge amount of donations we received to create all of our prizes. Parents and Friends were able to create a whopping 51 prizes that we were able to draw this afternoon. Two of our students in Kody and Sara were incredible helpers throughout the assembly in drawing all of the winners from the barrel. A massive congratulations to Mya from Year 2 who was the very lucky winner of our 10kg block of chocolate. She was certainly overwhelmed with excitement and joy when her name was called out!!! Thank you to everyone for supporting the raffle and purchasing tickets. Parents and Friends were thrilled to announce the raffle raised over $3500!!! What an incredible effort from our school community. We are so grateful once more for the support of Parents and Friends in doing all of the work behind the scenes in making this fundraiser such a success. 

A big congratulations also to Layla from Year 2 who was a winner in our local member Emma Vulin's Easter Art Competition. Mr Jagoe is very sorry he didn't announce this to the whole assembly...he completely forgot!!! 

Term 1 comes to a conclusion

As we conclude the first term of the year, I am so proud to be able to reflect and celebrate on the resounding successes of our school community this term. I recently saw the image below and it provided me with a great reminder of the importance of looking back on the journey to this point and being proud of the progress and achievements to this point. 

It is very easy to focus on the challenges, issues or tough moments that we or our children have experienced, but I hope you find time to celebrate with them on their achievements throughout the term. It is a worthy conversation to have with your child to see what they identify as their points of growth and what they want to celebrate about the term just gone. I encourage all parents to take the time to have this chat and also share the specific points of growth you have seen in them. You will be surprised how much they value hearing this from you. 



I would also like to acknowledge the commitment, passion and dedication all of our staff have shown throughout the term to collectively strive in challenging and supporting our students in their academic, social and emotional development. We are so fortunate to have professionals who want to constantly improve their practice to achieve the best possible outcomes for our students. 


Finally, thank you to our parents and carers and families who have been so supportive throughout this term. We look forward to lots more opportunities in Term 2 for you to connect with our school and your child's education. We wish you all a safe and memorable holiday break. We look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 15th April for the beginning of term 2.