Extra Curriculum

Coach Phillips | Extra Curriculum Administrator

Cross Country


Heavy rain in the days leading up to Monday 8 April made for a few interesting obstacles on the Cross Country course this year.


Participation across all age groups was pleasing, with students challenging themselves to compete to earn points for their houses. Congratulations to all students who walked, jogged and ran their way around the course. 


Age champions will be announced at an upcoming assembly in Term 2.



Show Team

The Show Team had an incredible time at the Royal Easter Show, it was our most successful Sydney Royal to date. Please enjoy the below slides prepared by the team and shared at our student-led assembly.



CAPALoT Term 1 concert

Last Thursday 4 April, the CAPALoT Team (Creative Arts, Performing Arts, Languages - One Team) had their Term 1 concert, which showcased the talents of many students from Years 7 - 12 in our Performing Arts and Visual Arts extracurricular arena. Art Enrichment had a gallery exhibition at the entrance featuring beautiful watercolour paintings in a series entitled 'Riversdale Views', this was followed by the swooning sounds of our string ensemble, a celebration of solo artists in our jazz band performances along with a little more cowbell, the energy of our huge guitar ensemble, the joyous fun of our concert band performances giving a modern vibe, the harmony and synchronicity of our College choir, topped off by the exemplary sophistication of our College orchestra. The night was a delightful gift to the senses. We are enormously proud of the staff and students of CAPALoT for creating this lasting, vibrant memory for our community.