Faith Formation and Mission

Mr Sandy Abbey | Assistant Principal - Faith Formation and Mission

As we enter the upcoming break, I wish all families a restful couple of weeks and hope that all families travelling over the holidays return safely. Usually, as we’re preparing for the end of Term 1 holidays, we’re also madly preparing, rehearsing, and finally commemorating a Holy Week liturgy. Given the timing of these liturgies, they generally have a strong focus on the crucifixion and death of Jesus as we prepare to remember the tragedy that is Good Friday. This year however, with the extended term following Easter Sunday, our liturgy had a strong focus on the joy, hope and celebration of the Easter Story. It was a timely reminder that while it is important to remember Jesus’ crucifixion and death, it is not the end of the story. 


The theme for our liturgy was “Love is Alive” reminding us that it is love, not death, which has the ultimate say in the Easter story. A love which transforms darkness into light, despair into hope, and sorrow into joy. Watching the news, one can easily sink into despair as we learn about events locally and abroad. However, Easter reminds us that the love which can overcome these evils is alive in the hearts of humanity. We simply need to awaken as a people to what this love has to say.

Harbison Visits

Year 9 students have been visiting our neighbours across the road at Harbison. The visits form part of a short course on Flipped Mondays which teaches the importance of service to the community. The Monday afternoon activity at Harbison for the residents is indoor bowls and students have been having a great time with the residents learning about the subtleties of the game between conversations. We’ve also had students entertain residents with their musical gifts while others have shared their artistic skills.

Year 12 Retreat

In Week 7 our Year 12 students attended their final Chev retreat. Students travelled to the Collaroy Centre to spend three days reflecting on the theme of “The Heart’s Journey” in which they explored the many ebbs and flows throughout the pilgrimage called life. Students spent time recollecting the many moments when they have been loved and supported, and also spent time considering where their heart is drawing them as they begin to consider life after school. The retreat concluded with affirmations from staff and peers as each student was recognised for the unique gift which they are to our community. There was also plenty of valuable time for students to simply be together away from the busyness and concerns of their senior studies. Thank you to all the staff who kindly attended the retreat and guided the students through such a meaningful retreat experience.

Jules 200th Birthday Bash

It’s not often that you get to celebrate a 200th Birthday! The 15th March marked two hundred years since the birth of Fr Jules Chevalier, founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. The school community joined with hundreds of other communities around the world in celebrating the occasion and reflecting on the legacy of Chevalier in making the love and compassion of Jesus known. The College sung happy birthday to Jules before two of our Year 10 students, who share their birthday with Chevalier, cut a cake to celebrate. The school listened to reflections from staff and students from across the Australian MSC colleges about what Fr Chevalier means to us today before enjoying a treat to celebrate.

Project Compassion

Thank you to all families who donated this term to Project Compassion either online, with cash or by supporting the Reid House St Paddy’s Day cake stall. The final figure will be announced at our assembly in Week 2 next term, however it looks like we have raised well over $3000. Your contributions will make a difference for vulnerable communities for future generations.