From the Assistant Principal Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing

Mr. Jason Puttnins

Numeracy and Mathematics: The importance of numbers


What is the difference between Numeracy and Mathematics? 


Whilst Mathematics is sometimes an either loved or loathed subject at school, Numeracy goes beyond what you may learn in a Mathematics class. Numeracy is the development of mathematical concepts and skills, which goes beyond a Mathematics class and can be found in different learning areas and in everyone’s daily life. For example, this can be present in other learning areas, such as weather/climate in HASS, the reading and recording of data in Science, or beats/patterns in Music. Outside of the classroom, we use Numeracy in sports, at home, whilst watching the news and even when we're shopping. Developing a child’s Numeracy is not just to improve a child's Mathematics grade, but it is important as it will benefit every person for the rest of their life. 



If you find that your child has a negative attitude towards Mathematics, spend some time with them looking at how Numeracy is present in your life. Whilst cooking a family meal, look at measurement of ingredients or cooking temperature. Whilst watching sports, analyse the statistics together. Whilst shopping, discuss percentages, finance and spending. Numbers are everywhere and we all use them.


The more students understand how Numeracy benefits them in their life currently and into the future, the greater chance we have that your child will change their attitude towards Mathematics. 


If you would like your child to be able to access fun Mathematics resources, here's a few websites you can go on:


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,


Jason Puttnins


Assistant Principal: Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing