Last Day of Term 1 - Thursday 28th March
The last day of school for Term 1 is next Thursday, 28th March. School will finish at 2.15pm on this day.
Term 2 Commencement
Monday 15th April is a Student Free Day.
Term 2 will commence for all students on Tuesday 16th April.
School Photos - late orders
School photo day is today, Friday 22nd March. School photos can be ordered until midnight next Friday, 29th March.
Please see the information below regarding late orders.
Invitation - End of Term Assemblies - 27th March
Families are invited to join our F-4 and 5-8 Communities in celebrating their Term 1 learning at their end of term assemblies in the Brigidine Centre next Wednesday, 27th March.
- Years 5-8 assembly at 9.10am
- Years F-4 assembly at 10.00am
Easter Liturgy Invitation - 28th March
Holy Thursday, 28th March 2024
Please join us at 10.00am on Holy Thursday, 28th March, as our whole College community gathers to mark the beginning of Holy Week.
The Easter Liturgy will be led by our 2024 Student Leadership Team and our College Choir will provide the music. All are welcome!
The Liturgy will conclude at approximately 10.50am.
St Augustine's Parish Easter Timetable
SOLE Stars
Congratulations to our Week 8 SOLE Stars.
CSEF - Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund
Application Form: