Connections Centre

Specialist Feature News: Science

Selamat Siang,


Human Body Science has been a hit this term across all year levels! Our students have experienced a range of exciting activities including sensory stations, creating organs with playdough and even making blood slime! So much hands-on fun!


This week in Science our 1/2s are exploring the changes and developments that our bodies go through from birth to childhood, and into adulthood.


This week the 5/6s are continuing their learning on genetics and heredity; learning about dominant and reccessive genes, and how they are passed down from parents to offspring. They are using their learning to record genotypes (genetic makeup) and phenotypes (characteristics) in their portfolio task.


Great work everyone! Looking forward to Earth Science next term!


Terima Kasih!

Miss Cardy + The Specialist Team

Physical Education : Colour Fun Run! 

Get your Colour on! MPRPS is hosting a Colour Splatacular Run 4 Fun on Friday the 19th of April 2024!


Students have received a sponsorship book with instructions on setting up their cybersafe, online fundraising profile at This is an entirely online fundraiser; all cash donations must be converted to online donations. Students can donate to one of the five causes – Carbon Neutral (tree planting), Great Barrier Reef Foundation (coral planting or turtle protection), The Smith Family (reading support) or OzHarvest (providing meals).


We are so excited for the Splatacular! 

For more information or if you would like to volunteer and be involved on the day, please contact Hamish Burrill through Sentral.


Terima Kasih, 

The Specialist Team

Yana Gill, Marissa Mundy, Hamish Burrill, Steph Muratovic, Beth Cardy and Natalie Palmer. 

Pupil of the Week

Visual Arts

Junior - Anson K (1/2S) - 

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when creating your watercolour artwork!


Senior - Mia B (3/4W)

For consistently demonstrating teamwork and a love of learning in the artroom.


Junior - Leo S (1/2E)

For the unique facts and details you listed about changes to the human body from birth to adulthood! 


Senior - Kimaya T (5/6C)

For your outstanding efforts adding diagrams and research to your science book at home. Your work on the immune system was very impressive.


Junior -  Benson C (FE)

For showing a love of learning when naming colours in Indonesian. You have shown so much growth this term, bagus!


Senior - Jeremy K (5/6E)

For being a consistent superstar in all Indonesian lessons! You are a quiet achiever but have kicked goals in your portfolio this week. Hebat!

Physical Education

Junior - Miller H 1/2KS-For showing a love of learning and curiosity and zest during PE sessions


Senior - Anoshan M- 5/6C For embracing his role as sports captain with a high degree of responsibility and leadership


Performing Arts

Junior - Julia Ryan 1/2 E 

For demonstrating curiosity and a caring attitude towards our learning experiences with Rhythm and song.


Senior -  Wendy Wu 5/6 S

For her bravery and musicianship in performing the National Anthem on violin in class.