Inquiry Centre


Selemat Siang! Planning week is coming to a close and students have had a very busy week in the Inquiry Centre. In Guided Inquiry, students have been working hard on a special Guided Inquiry project showing what they learned this term. The topic “Growing Older and Wiser” has provided an opportunity for students to explore themselves and reflect on how far they have already come and what they might like to do in the future. Stay tuned to see this spectacular work next week. 

Student Voice 

I liked Maths because it was fun playing number bingo - Zakia F

I am excited for the Year 2 sleepover - Kiara S

I like Pokemon Cards - Maahir M

I like making the flower petals for Guided Inquiry - Reynold T


  • Please make sure your child brings a hat to school in Term 1. 
  • Please make sure your child brings a drink bottle to school. 
  • If you could send in a box of tissues with your child, these get used throughout the year by their class.
  • Easter Hat Parade - we will have some time to create one in class but you might also to start making a hat for the last day of school 

Pupil of the Week

1/2A: Claire G - For using detailed reasoning when explaining how to make doubles in Maths this week. 


1/2M: Elisa T - For displaying a love of learning and creativity during Writing sessions. You push yourself to achieve new goals in each lesson. 


1/2S: Andrew S- For displaying independence and a love of learning when drafting our narratives this week! You have created an amazing story. 


1/2E: Ryan A - For demonstrating bravery when presenting his Haft Seen, all about Nowruz, Persian New Year. Thank you for teaching our class about your culture. 


1/2KS - Liam M - For showing independence and creativity when sharing your efficient counting strategies with the grade.