Leadership Centre


Selamat siang families, 


This week in the Leadership Centre we have been working hard on finalising our My Place stories ready for sharing the final product next week! Students have started to work on publishing their stories using a variety of multimodal text elements. 


This week students have demonstrated a love of learning when exploring patterns in Mathematics. They have learned to describe growing patterns, experimenting with rules and using reasoning to explain their thinking. 



We continued our EveryBODY Incursion with Sexual Health Victoria and it has been so fantastic to see how engaged the students have been. They’ve demonstrated responsibility, respect and maturity when learning about how their bodies are changing. 


Have a wonderful week,

The Leadership Centre



  • Tissue box donations (A big thanks to those that have donated already)
  • Hats and Water Bottles
  • Family Breakfast and Easter Hat Parade is Thursday 28th March
  • Summer Sports Gala Day 18 April
  • Colour Fun Run 19 April

Pupil of the Week

5/6C - Kimaya T

For demonstrating a love of learning when working on your My Place draft, it was great seeing you follow the writing process and editing your work to improve your writing.


5/6S - Nathan E 

For demonstrating your leadership and collaboration by sharing your knowledge of Hopscotch coding with your peers.


5/6FL - Chace

For demonstrating a love of learning and experimenting with rules to create algebraic equations during our maths 'Border Problem'


5/6E -  Oscar S

For demonstrating enthusiasm and a love of learning when planning and recording the Pleasant Podcast. 


5/6N - Hayley H

Well done using your love of learning and challenging yourself when using algebra to solve problems.