Dear Parents,


What a beautiful day for our Easter Hat Parade. Our children looked fantastic and were so proud to parade their Easter Hats and perform their dances for the parents and friends. We had over 70 raffle prizes today, and we thank everyone for supporting the Monster Easter Egg Raffle. Thank you to the staff for their organisation of the parade, and a special thank you to all of our families and friends for their support. 



Congratulations to our School Cricket Team and Mr Thackray on their terrific win against Bathurst West Public School in Round 1 of the NSW PSSA Knockout Competition. We batted first and scored 123 runs. Our top scorer was Theo Lyle with 36 runs, but many of our children contributed and batted well for us to get to 123 runs. We then bowled, and West Bathurst scored a total of 87 runs. Everyone bowled well and our fielding was excellent. We now move on to Round 2 where we play South Bathurst Public School on Tuesday the 9th of April. Well done, everyone, and congratulations on a fantastic win!

2024 BPS Cricket Team
2024 BPS Cricket Team


School Cross Country Organisation

Our school Cross Country Carnival will be held in Week 10 on Friday, 5th April. This event will be held at school with students running a school designed course.


Students will need to come to school on Friday, 5th April, in house sports gear appropriate for running. Hats and running footwear are essential. All other school activities, including the canteen, will run as normal on this day.


HOW: 8/9 and 10-year-olds will run 2km, with 11/12 and 13-year-olds running 3km.

The races will be split into boys and girls to start each race; however, towards the end of the race, there may be both boys and girls of that age group on the course.

The event will begin with the first race at 12.15. The order of events will be as follows:

8/9 year girls and boys

10 year girls and boys

11 year girls and boys

12/13 girls and boys


A lunch break will be scheduled from 1.15 to 2.00. If necessary, events will recommence after lunch. Parents and friends are invited to join us for lunch.


SPECTATING: Parents, carers and friends are invited to join us on this day, but will be asked to spectate from the COLA area. This is because students will be running around the school to complete their course, and all other persons need to stay off the running track when events occur.


Attendance Report for Week 8

Congratulations to 3-6B for once again having 100% attendance last week, and well done, 1G, 3-6R, 3-6J, 1C, K/1K, and 2/3F with no unexplained absences!


Our attendance rate and the percentage of students attending >=90% has improved for last week and continue to be above DoE State and our network of schools.




We wish all of our families and friends a wonderful Easter. This long weekend is a wonderful time to relax and enjoy the gorgeous days. If you are travelling, please take care. We look forward to seeing everyone at school on Tuesday, 2nd April.



If any parent has any concerns regarding any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kate White
